From Fedora Project Wiki

Setuptools 58+


Update to a new upstream release of python-setuptools that is not completely compatible with previous releases. Since version 58+ upstream removed support for 2to3 during builds. This is a breaking change and projects are encouraged to port to a unified codebase.


Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora Linux 36
  • Last updated: 2021-09-23
  • FESCo issue: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
  • Tracker bug: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
  • Release notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>

Detailed Description

Setuptools is a package development process library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects by enhancing the Python standard library distutils (distribution utilities). It changes fast and it often introduces breaking changes such as the removal of support for 2to3 during the builds in version 58.0.0. Maintainers by package: fail2ban atkac hobbes1069 jgu orion playitagainsam churchyard pybluez limb pyp2rpm gordonmessmer kevin python-anyjson fab mrunge sundaram python-behave pschindl python-concurrentloghandler dcallagh python-deap zbyszek python-demjson lmacken thm python-flask-openid frantisekz pjp sundaram python-funcparserlib dridi python-jsmin ignatenkobrain python-libusb1 jonny python-mailer fab python-marathon apevec dmsimard python-nose-cover3 mrunge ngompa pingou python-parse_type ignatenkobrain python-proteus sharkcz python-pypng kevin ralph python-pysam davidsch python-relatorio sharkcz python-rnc2rng ignatenkobrain python-simpleeval sharkcz python-speaklater ondrejj python-sphinx-bootstrap-theme besser82 sic python-spyking-circus ankursinha python-suds jortel swt2c python-tempita jcapitao kylev python-vatnumber sharkcz python-xunitparser ignatenkobrain lbrabec tflink trytond sharkcz trytond-account sharkcz trytond-account-be sharkcz trytond-account-de-skr03 sharkcz trytond-account-invoice sharkcz trytond-account-invoice-history sharkcz trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone sharkcz trytond-account-product sharkcz trytond-account-statement sharkcz trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon sharkcz trytond-account-stock-continental sharkcz trytond-analytic-account sharkcz trytond-analytic-invoice sharkcz trytond-analytic-purchase sharkcz trytond-analytic-sale sharkcz trytond-company sharkcz trytond-company-work-time sharkcz trytond-country sharkcz trytond-currency sharkcz trytond-dashboard sharkcz trytond-google-maps sharkcz trytond-ldap-authentication sharkcz trytond-party sharkcz trytond-party-siret sharkcz trytond-product sharkcz trytond-product-cost-fifo sharkcz trytond-product-cost-history sharkcz trytond-product-price-list sharkcz trytond-project sharkcz trytond-project-plan sharkcz trytond-project-revenue sharkcz trytond-purchase sharkcz trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone sharkcz trytond-sale sharkcz trytond-sale-opportunity sharkcz trytond-sale-price-list sharkcz trytond-stock sharkcz trytond-stock-forecast sharkcz trytond-stock-inventory-location sharkcz trytond-stock-location-sequence sharkcz trytond-stock-product-location sharkcz trytond-stock-supply sharkcz trytond-stock-supply-day sharkcz trytond-timesheet sharkcz

Packages by maintainer: ankursinha python-spyking-circus apevec python-marathon atkac fail2ban besser82 python-sphinx-bootstrap-theme churchyard playitagainsam davidsch python-pysam dcallagh python-concurrentloghandler dmsimard python-marathon dridi python-funcparserlib fab python-anyjson python-mailer frantisekz python-flask-openid gordonmessmer pyp2rpm hobbes1069 fail2ban ignatenkobrain python-jsmin python-parse_type python-rnc2rng python-xunitparser jcapitao python-tempita jgu fail2ban jonny python-libusb1 jortel python-suds kevin pyp2rpm python-pypng kylev python-tempita lbrabec python-xunitparser limb pybluez lmacken python-demjson mrunge python-anyjson python-nose-cover3 ngompa python-nose-cover3 ondrejj python-speaklater orion fail2ban pingou python-nose-cover3 pjp python-flask-openid pschindl python-behave ralph python-pypng sharkcz python-proteus python-relatorio python-simpleeval python-vatnumber trytond trytond-account trytond-account-be trytond-account-de-skr03 trytond-account-invoice trytond-account-invoice-history trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone trytond-account-product trytond-account-statement trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon trytond-account-stock-continental trytond-analytic-account trytond-analytic-invoice trytond-analytic-purchase trytond-analytic-sale trytond-company trytond-company-work-time trytond-country trytond-currency trytond-dashboard trytond-google-maps trytond-ldap-authentication trytond-party trytond-party-siret trytond-product trytond-product-cost-fifo trytond-product-cost-history trytond-product-price-list trytond-project trytond-project-plan trytond-project-revenue trytond-purchase trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone trytond-sale trytond-sale-opportunity trytond-sale-price-list trytond-stock trytond-stock-forecast trytond-stock-inventory-location trytond-stock-location-sequence trytond-stock-product-location trytond-stock-supply trytond-stock-supply-day trytond-timesheet sic python-sphinx-bootstrap-theme sundaram python-anyjson python-flask-openid swt2c python-suds tflink python-xunitparser thm python-demjson zbyszek python-deap

Benefit to Fedora

Fedora offers cutting edge technologies for Python and Setuptools is one of the most important Python packages. By doing this update we bring users the latest features that Setuptools offers and also we enable Fedora 36 to receive future updates as well.


  • Proposal owners: update python-setuptools to 58.x.x, provide help
  • Other developers: report problems to the upstream and backport patch to the affected packages. The impact can be tested using copr repository where Setuptools 58.0.4 has been built.
  • Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
  • Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
  • Alignment with Objectives:

Upgrade/compatibility impact

There is a clean upgrade path from current version to python-setuptools 58.x.x. Fedora users using RPM-packaged Setuptools will use Setuptools 58.x.x by default.

How To Test

User Experience


Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: (What to do? Who will do it?) N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
  • Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change), Yes/No


N/A (not a System Wide Change)

Release Notes