From Fedora Project Wiki

DEBUGINFOD server for Fedora

This server provides ELF or DWARF debugging information, plus associated source code, covering all packages and architectures of recent versions of Fedora. It works by indexing all relevant RPMs from Koji, and extracting any needed file on the fly. Debugger-type tools automatically request files one by one. After being downloaded, each file is stored in a cache under your home directory, where the tools can immediately use it.


On Fedora 32 or later, set one or two environment variables in your .profile.

% export DEBUGINFOD_PROGRESS=1  # optional - print diagnostics

If you operate your own debuginfod server for local projects, add its URL to $DEBUGINFOD_URLS (space-separated).

Then, enjoy using gdb, stap, perf, eu-stack, and many other debugging-related tools without the interruption of % sudo yum debuginfo-install XYZZY.


If you wish to completely opt out of this service, simply set $DEBUGINFOD_URLS to an empty string.

Security FAQ


See Also

For more information see elfutils status page and Changes/DebuginfodByDefault.