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< EPEL‎ | epel7

Line 156: Line 156:
|389-ds || devel
|389-ds || devel
|pnp4nagios || EL-6

Revision as of 17:48, 24 July 2014

EPEL Branch Requests

please fill in the table with branching requests for epel7

ACL Source must be one of EL-6 or devel

if the package was in epel6 (and not retired/orphaned!) then use EL-6, if it's a new package to epel use devel; if you use anything else your request will not be correctly processed.

If the packaged was retired in epel6, please use devel because pkgdb won't give us ACLs otherwise.

Beware -- even if you say devel, the epel7 branch will be created at f19, not f20 or master.

Add new requests to the end, there's no need to sort. if you sort it there is a high chance that your request will be skipped if added while the queue is processed.

Package Name ACL Source
foo devel
libkdegames devel
kmines devel
kmahjongg devel
kpat devel
libkmahjongg devel
qoauth devel
rekonq devel
gpsbabel devel
pypolicyd-spf devel
opendkim devel
mod_authnz_pam devel
rubygem-passenger devel
rubygem-sinatra devel
znc devel
fail2ban devel
python-pefile devel
python-authres devel
vym EL-6
xcalc EL-6
perl-Crypt-DES EL-6
python-virtualenvwrapper devel
perl-AnyEvent EL-6
testdisk EL-6
ovirt-engine-sdk-python EL-6
VirtualGL EL-6
python-basemap-data EL-6
ga EL-6
whatsup EL-6
AntTweakBar EL-6
rubygem-appraisal f19
rubygem-ci_reporter f19
rubygem-compass-rails f19
rubygem-httpclient f19
rubygem-mongo f19
rubygem-mongoid f19
rubygem-moped f19
rubygem-origin f19
rubygem-rugged f19
rubygem-safe_yaml f19
rubygem-sass-twitter-bootstrap f19
rubygem-simplecov f19
rubygem-sshkey f19
vdsm devel
xfce4-terminal devel
xfce4-notifyd devel
libxfcegui4 EL-6
xfce4-dict EL-6
xfce4-battery-plugin EL-6
xfce4-clipman-plugin EL-6
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin EL-6
xfce4-datetime-plugin EL-6
xfce4-dict EL-6
xfce4-diskperf-plugin EL-6
xfce4-fsguard-plugin EL-6
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin EL-6
xfce4-mount-plugin EL-6
xfce4-netload-plugin EL-6
xfce4-notes-plugin EL-6
xfce4-screenshooter EL-6
xfce4-taskmanager EL-6
idm-console-framework devel
389-adminutil devel
389-admin devel
389-console devel
389-dsgw devel
389-ds-console devel
389-admin-console devel
389-ds devel
pnp4nagios EL-6