From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 22:15, 16 February 2010 by Pfrields (talk | contribs) (Select some desktop features)

These are the Talking Points for Fedora 13. They are currently under construction. For information on how we are making these talking points, see Talking Points SOP.

Feature category Why should this be a talking point?
Anaconda Storage Filtering
Automatic Print Driver Installation User (combine with other desktop features) Leverages PackageKit capabilities so Live images don't need to ship all printer drivers. Equals or surpasses functionality of proprietary operating systems.
Better Webcam Support
Boost 1.41 Uplift
Dogtag Certificate System
ColorManagement User (combine with other desktop features) Color management helps artists, photographers, designers, and others display and print work more accurately using 100% free software.
Easier Python Debugging
Gnome 2.30
Implicit DSO Linking
IntelliJ IDEA
KDE PolicyKit One Qt
KDE PulseAudio Integration
KVM Stable PCI Addresses
Modprobe Whitelist
NetworkManager Bluetooth DUN User (combine with other desktop features) Adds dial-up modem support for older Bluetooth-equipped phones, to complement the personal-area networking already supported in Fedora.
NetworkManager Command Line
NetworkManager Mobile Status
NFSv4 Default
NFS Client IPv6
Nouveau DisplayPort
Python 3
Radeon DisplayPort
SIP Witch Domain Telephony
SSSD By Default
System Rollback
With Btrfs
Systemtap Static Probes
Udisks Improvements
User Account Dialog user (combine with other desktop features?) The user account tool has been completely redesigned, and now makes it easy to configure personal information, make a personal profile picture or icon, generate a strong passphrase, and set up login options.
Yum Language Package Plugin