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< Infrastructure

Revision as of 15:51, 4 March 2018 by Lobocode (talk | contribs) ([1] No Puppet, as classes são semelhantes aos templates. Isto é, uma classe pode conter outra classe. Em nosso caso, por exemplo, vamos tomar um account system (sistema de contas). Nos servidores proxy, exigimos uma seção de configuração para Pro...)


NOTA: A curva aprendizado do Puppet é maior do que outras tecnologias com o mesmo potencial . Neste caso, a comunidade Fedora está migrando de Puppet para Ansible. Consulte a documentação migrated.


Puppet é um sistema de gerenciamento de configurações atualmente avaliado pela Fedora para sua infraestrutura. Esta página descreve sua implementação e, embora seja específica para o Fedora, é uma configuração padrão e deve ser aplicável à maioria dos ambientes.

Veja também o SOP

Arquivos Importantes / Localizações

Puppet Master (server):

  • /etc/puppet - Informações básicas de configuração do Puppet
  • /etc/puppet/manifests - Mapeamento de configuração do node
  • /etc/puppet/manifests/filetypes/* - Várias definições de tipo de arquivo
  • /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/* - Lista de servidores e quais classes[1] usam
  • /etc/puppet/manifests/server-groups - Serviços de mapas com um tipo de servidor
  • /etc/puppet/manifests/service-types - Contém cada serviço e o que é necessário para esse serviço
  • /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp - Contém o arquivo de configuração 'root' que inclui outros arquivos de configuração
  • /var/lib/puppet/ - Arquivos Puppet
  • /var/lib/puppet/config - Arquivos de configuração para nodes atuais (eg httpd.conf)
  • /etc/lib/puppet/bucket - Backup de arquivos de configuração sobrepostos

Puppet client

  • /etc/puppet - Informações básicas de configuração
  • /etc/sysconfig/puppet - Definições de inicialização do Puppet

Puppet CVS

  • /cvs/puppet - puppet cvs
  • /cvs/private - Private information (keys, passwords, etc)

[1] No Puppet, as classes são semelhantes aos templates. Isto é, uma classe pode conter outra classe. Em nosso caso, por exemplo, vamos tomar um account system (sistema de contas). Nos servidores proxy, exigimos uma seção de configuração para ProxyPass/accounts/ para os servidores de aplicativos. Esse account system está em uma classe que herda propriedades da classe http. A classe http exige que o httpd seja instalado e o tipo de arquivo de configuração que estamos usando, no caso o apacheconfig, exige que o httpd seja reiniciado sempre que um arquivo de configuração for implantado. Esta classe de sistema de contas é, por sua vez, colocada na classe proxy. Em seguida, proxy1 e o proxy2 usam a classe "proxy", que contém a classe account, que contém a classe httpd. Dê uma olhada nos arquivos de configuração para ver isso em ação.

Node Setup

Node in this context refers to a server we wish to manage with puppet not the puppet master server. For the purposes of this example we'll use a new server "proxy3".

  1. Build proxy3
  2. Install ruby
  3. Install facter and puppet from EPEL
  4. Alter /etc/sysconfig/puppet: PUPPET_SERVER=puppet
  5. chkconfig puppet on
  6. /etc/init.d/puppet start

This will cause puppet to start up and contact puppet1 for a list of files. This will also send a certificate request to the server. At this point in time NO CONFIG FILES ARE CHANGED. This is because puppet1 has to give access to proxy 3.

To allow the server log in to puppet1 and run puppetca:

Next log in to puppet1 and add proxy3 to /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/

Once this is done communcation between the node and the server should be ready.

Server Side

The server side of things is already configured. Please see the Important Files / Locations above for more details about where configuration files are. In our setup we have changed from a server centric management model to a service centric model. This was done for ease of management. For example, the Fedora Account System contains a few needs on multiple servers. It has proxy pass on the front servers, applications on the app server and a database to poll. In the previous configuration system this ment multiple files in multiple server groups and the relationship between them was unclear. In this new setup we have one file in the service-groups directory which contains the proxy configs, app configs and db configs.

Adding a file

There's a few steps to actually adding a file to puppet.

  1. Check out the current configuration
  2. Add configuation file
  3. Add the manifest config (tell puppet where your file should end up and what type of file it is)
  4. commit the files
  5. Run "make install" in the config directory and "make install" in the manifests directory.
  6. Verify new file on the client

Adding new files is easy, stick them in /var/lib/puppet/config/ somewhere that makes sense, for example all the web files are in ./web/ Once that is done you need to add your file to /etc/puppet/manifests/service-groups/. In this example we'll be discussing nagios (not yet implemented but will be soon).

class nagios {
package { nagios:

nagiosfile { '/etc/nagios/':
source => "nagios/",
ensure => directory,
recurse => true

service { nagios:
ensure => true,
subscribe => [ package["nagios"]   

class nagios-proxy inherits httpd {
apachefile { "/etc/httpd/conf.d/":
source => "web/nagios-proxy.conf"

There are 3 classes here. The first one defines a generic nagios class. It's used to make sure that anything that inherits it requires nagios to be installed and so it restarts nagios when a config file is changed. Next is the nagios-proxy file which inherits httpd (defined in a different config file). By inheriting httpd we're saying that wherever the nagios-proxy files get installed, that box will also need to have http. By specifying apachefile, we're telling puppet to restart httpd if the config has changed. We do the same thing with "nagiosfile" which is defined in /etc/puppet/manifests/filetypes. An example would be:

define nagiosfile(owner = root, group = nagios, mode = 664, source,
backup = main, recurse = false, ensure = file) {
file { $name:
mode => $mode,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
backup => $backup,
recurse => $recurse,
notify => service[nagios] ,
ensure => $ensure,
source => "puppet://$server/config/$source"

The notify=>service[nagios] means that whenever a configfile of type "nagiosfile" is deployed, the service nagios is restarted.

From this point on you can specify which nodes include which classes. The proxy servers would include "nagios-proxy" where the actual nagios server would include "nagios".

To check if your changes are syntatically correct you can restart puppet master with:

service puppetmaster restart

The client checks in every half hour. If you want to immediately check your changes just run:

/etc/init.d/puppet restart; tail -f /var/log/messages