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Revision as of 15:07, 31 March 2009 by Huff (talk | contribs) (oVirt Nodes Fedora Spin)
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Spin Name

Fedora oVirt Node


An oVirt Node or host image is a small, stateless, stripped-down Fedora build that installs and runs off a CD, a usb key, or a ramdisk (over PXE) on a physical host. The build contains all the necessary pieces to support hosting and managing virtual machines on the host. It can run in stand-alone mode or managed mode.


Detailed Description

oVirt is an open, cross-platform virtualization management system. oVirt provides both a small image that runs on a host and provides virtualization services to VMs there, and also a web-based management console that lets you allocate and group hosts and storage, install and remove virtual machines, level resources across a large group of machines, and much more. oVirt is designed to scale from a small group of users with little need for access control and quota management, all the way up to hundreds or even thousands of hosts with robust control over grouping, permissions, and quotas.

Benefit to Fedora

Provide a prebuilt binary oVirt image for those who want to run virtual machines on an oVirt Node.

Kickstart File

ISO Name / FS Label


Scope / Testing

Comments and Discussion

Main Page: mailing list: irc/freenode: #ovirt