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Hosted Project Email2Trac - SOP

Contact Information

Owner: Fedora Infrastructure Team

Contact: #fedora-admin, sysadmin-hosted

Location: <not sure what to put here>

Servers: hosted1

Purpose: Provides for users only viewing tickets they are involved with.


Fedora Hosted Projects have the option of setting ticket permissions so that only users involved with tickets can see them. This plugin requires someone in sysadmin-hosted to set it up, and requires justification to use. The only current implementation is a request tracking system at for tracking requests for North American ambassadors since mailing addresses, etc will be put in there.


On hosted1:

  • sudo -u apache vim /srv/web/trac/projects/<project name>/conf/trac.ini

Add the following to the appropriate sections of trac.ini

    group_blacklist = anonymous, authenticated
    privatetickets.* = enabled
    permission_policies = PrivateTicketsPolicy, DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy

Note that for projects not currently using plugins, you'll have to add the [components] section, and you'll need to add the permission_policies to the [trac] section.

Next, someone with TRAC_ADMIN needs to grant TICKET_VIEW_SELF (a new permission) to authenticated. This permission allows users to view tickets that they are either owner, CC, or reporter on. There are other options more fully described at the upstream site.

Make sure that TICKET_VIEW is removed from anonymous, or else this plugin will have no effect.