From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 13:31, 21 October 2014 by Pviktori (talk | contribs) (→‎Install section: Fix typo in %{buildroot})

Python Wheels in fedora

Since Fedora 22 we will be using Python Wheels to install Python modules. Python wheels are a built-package format -- a ZIP archive with specially formatted file name and .whl extension.


Packages should now Buildrequire python-pip and python-wheel:

BuildRequires: python-pip
BuildRequires: python-wheel

Build section

Packages should now use the 'bdist_wheel' argument, instead of 'install', the simplest build section thus becomes:

%{__python2} bdist_wheel

%if 0%{?with_python3}
pushd %{py3dir}
%{__python3} bdist_wheel

Install section

Packages should now use pip to install themselves, the simplest install section thus becomes: (mention strip-file-prefix)

%if 0%{?with_python3}
pushd %{py3dir}
pip3 install -I dist/%{python3_wheelname} --root %{buildroot} --strip-file-prefix

pip2 install -I dist/%{python2_wheelname} --root %{buildroot} --strip-file-prefix

Files section

You may need to add the following entries to the files section:

