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This test case ensures that the FriBidi library correctly handles bidirectional text (like Arabic or Hebrew).


  1. Ensure fribidi is installed: sudo dnf install fribidi.
  2. You may want to have sample bidirectional text available for testing. An online resource or a previously prepared text file would suffice.

How to test

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Use the command fribidi to process a string of bidirectional text. For example: $ echo "English فارسی English" | fribidi.
  3. Observe the output and see if the text direction of the Arabic portion (in this case "فارسی") has been reversed.
  4. Repeat the test with other bidirectional strings and languages to ensure thorough testing.

Expected Results

  1. The fribidi command should output text that respects the bidirectionality of the input string.
  2. English text should remain in its original order, but right-to-left languages like Arabic or Hebrew should appear reversed in the output.
  3. No errors should be thrown while processing the text.