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Fedora Test Day
GNOME 3.37.90/3.38

Date 2020-08-19
Time all day

Website QA/Test Days
IRC #fedora-test-day (webirc)
Mailing list test

Can't make the date?
If you come to this page before or after the test day is completed, your testing is still valuable, and you can use the information on this page to test, file any bugs you find at Bugzilla, and add your results to the results section. If this page is more than a month old when you arrive here, please check the current schedule and see if a similar but more recent Test Day is planned or has already happened.

What to test?

Today's installment of Fedora Test Day will focus on GNOME 3.37.90/3.38

Who's available?

The following cast of characters will be available for testing, workarounds, bug fixes, and general discussion ...

Prerequisites for Test Day

  • A Fedora 33 Workstation nightly image either on bare metal or in VM (please make sure you have no important data on that installation, things might go wrong -- don't do this on your production machine!).
  • Enough free space on HDD

How to test?

Do exploratory testing

Use the latest Fedora 33 Workstation that includes GNOME 3.37.90. and see if you can find anything that's crashing or not working right. In that case, file a bug!

What to focus on?

Run the tests

Visit the result page and click on the column title links to see the tests that need to be run: most column titles are links to a specific test case. Follow the instructions there, then enter your results by clicking the Enter result button for the test.

Reporting bugs

We have two separate places to file bugs. First, downstream in Fedora bug tracker. This is mostly useful for issues with packaging and for issues that need tracking downstream (blocker bugs for F33): Red Hat Bugzilla.

Second, there's upstream GNOME Gitlab that's useful for issues that are likely not Fedora-specific. If you file an issue downstream that looks like it needs a code fix, please file it upstream as well, to make sure all relevant people get notified of the issue.

If you are unsure about exactly how to file the report or what other information to include, just ask on IRC #fedora-test-day or #fedora-qa and we will help you.

Test Results


User Profile Gnome Accessibility Gnome Classic mode Gnome Initial Setup Gnome Lock Screen Gnome Login Screen Gnome Maps Gnome Music Gnome Web Gnome Terminal Desktop update notification References
Ykkzde Boxes
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. No cursor in Zoom, no notification about Slow keys
Pass pass
Pass pass
blueduckdock42 VM
Fail fail
Fail fail
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
  1. no cursor when zoomed (maybe normal or just because I'm using qemu/kvm) All others passed
  2. Just a typing cursor present (after already installed to disk). Had to reboot and go back to wayland shell.
  3. All tests passed, routing works, etc.
  4. Could not save a web app (option not there.) Changing to dark theme does nothing. Same with font
darakus Intel i7-4790s AMD rx480 GNOME Test Day Image, bare metal
Pass pass
Pass pass
darakus Intel i7-4790s AMD rx480 GNOME est Day Image, bare metal
Fail fail
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. Zoom works, but the cursor disappears while zoomed, making it difficult to click on things. Turning on crosshairs helps complete the tests as an alternative to having a mouse cursor. Screen reader does not work at all. On Screen keyboard works as expected. I was not able to hold down the shift key to get slow keys activated as required by the test.
  2. Got the window that allows you to choose either run the live image or install, but I got no visible mouse and no desktop behind the window. The mouse was actually there, as I could see the buttons highlighting when I moved it around, but the cursor was not visible. I had to reboot the machine to get out of this state.
  3. GNOME Music is not present, but Rhythmbox works fine.
frantisekz VM
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. RHBZ #1870182
garrett VM
Fail fail
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. accessibility menu: works high contrast: works large cursor: works large text: works visual alerts: works screen keyboard: works sticky keys: works slow keys: works bounce keys: works screen reader: does not work (outputs no sound) note: this is in Wayland
  2. after logging in, there's only a black screen, not even a mouse cursor can be seen
  3. GNOME Music is not installed by default. Rhythmbox is, however, installed and works.
geraldosimiao VM
Fail fail
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
  1. No cursor when zoomed, screen reader doesn't work, slow keys don't work.
  2. not working, just a blank screen.
  3. works
  4. Gnome-music is not installed. After sudo dnf install gnome-music don't open in graphical mode or with the comand line, returning with attribute error. AttributeError: 'gi.repository.Tracker' object has no attribute 'sparql_escape_string'
himmallright Virt Manager, AMD Ryzen 2600, VirtIO Spice GPU Acceleration (rx580), GNOME Test Day image
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. Never loaded, just blank background screen.
joydeep Virt Manager, Intel Core (Skylake, IBRS), GNOME Test Day image
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Warning warn
Pass pass
  1. In the GNOME Settings, options for 'Suspend and Power Button' (in the sub-section 'Power') are not displaying
kiko964 VirtualBox VM
Fail fail
Fail fail
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. 1. Zoom works, no mouse cursor. 2. Screen reader turned on, not reading text. 3. Notification pops up showing slow keys were turned on and an option to keep it.
  2. Typing cursor shown and stuck at black screen.
  3. gnome-shell --mode=initial-setup --replace (gnome-shell:12560): mutter-WARNING **: 19:15:16.016: Failed to create backend: Could not take control: GDBus.Error:System.Error.EBUSY: Device or resource busy
  4. Music application crashes and doesn't start.
lnie VM
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. RHBZ #1871166
losuler Lenovo ThinkPad E450, Intel Core i5-5200U
Fail fail
Fail fail
Warning warn
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. No mouse cursor with zoom. Screen reader does not play any sound.
  2. Blank screen, mouse cursor not shown, after attempting to login with GNOME classic.
  3. GNOME Help did not appear after initial setup completed.
nielsenb Compaq 8510w Intel T9300 AMD RV630
Pass pass
Pass pass
pgbross VM
Fail fail
Fail fail
Fail fail
Fail fail
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. screen reader: does not work (outputs no sound)
  2. after logging in, there's only a black screen
  3. Initial setup works fine. On entering "$ gnome-shell --mode=initial-setup --replace" get error "(gnome-shell:4735): mutter-WARNING **: 15:54:06.904: Failed to create backend: Could not take control: GDBus.Error:System.Error.EBUSY: Device or resource busy "
  4. Set screen lock to 1min, mouse cursor disappears, screen stops updating but doesnt blank (screen shows whatever was visible when timeout occured). On any mouse/keyboard interaction lock screen is shown normally.
  5. After "dnf install gnome-music", on running application get "Process 7007 (gnome-music) of user 1000 encountered an uncaught AttributeError exception" in journalctl and the application doesn't run.
pruthvi30sk Intel® Core™ i7-8700U CPU
Pass pass
Warning warn
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Warning warn
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. Option not displaying to select the different home environment
  2. Working, but no accuracy with respect to locating current place.
pruthvi30sk Intel® Core™ i7-8700U CPU @ 2.10GHz × 4
Pass pass
pwhalen Raspberry Pi 4B (4GB) - Fedora-Workstation-33-20200818.n.0.aarch64.raw.xz
Fail fail
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. No pointer in zoom. Screen reader didnt seem to work. On screen keyboard worked. Slow keys option came up after holding shift.
  2. After logging in, GUI no longer responsive with only the pointer on screen. System is still up, I can log in via ssh.
  3. Some graphical issues after configuring wireless (graphics not yet accelerated on the Raspberry Pi 4), boot messages displayed in the background, disappeared with mouse over.
sidewinder040 Gnome Boxes
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Warning warn
  1. Classic log in - Resulted in a blank screen with the Mouse pointer visible. Tried this a couple of times, with the same result. Rebooted to get back into Gnome Shell
  2. Listened to Radio, then installed GStreamer codecs to listen to a 'Fedora Project' podcast.
  3. Gnome Terminal Passed in Wayland, but wouldn't launch from an Gnome xorg session.
sunny078 VM
Fail fail
Fail fail
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. Gnome Accessibility - Screen reader is not working. - Screen keyboard is working. - No arrow while using Zoom and it also makes scrolling slow - notification poped up and slowed that slow keys were turned on, and offer you to turn it off or keep it.
  2. Gnome Accessibility - Screen reader is not working. - Screen keyboard is working. - No arrow while using Zoom and it also makes scrolling slow - notification poped up and slowed that slow keys were turned on, and offer you to turn it off or keep it. so that is fine
  3. Gnome Classic- Black screen after attempting to login with GNOME classic. Stuck indefinitely
  4. Gnome Initial Setup - On entering "$ gnome-shell --mode=initial-setup --replace" get error "(gnome-shell:4735): mutter-WARNING **: 23:05:54.066: Failed to create backend: Could not take control: GDBus.Error:System.Error.EBUSY: Device or resource busy "
  5. Gnome-music: - On launch, it crashes. On checking the logs it shows: 'gi.repository.Tracker' object has no attribute 'sparq;_escape_string' - But Rhythm box is working fine

Gnome Shell

User Profile Activities Extensions Dash Extensions gnome org Extensions install Extensions remove Extensions tweak tool Overview Search Workspaces References
Ykkzde Boxes
Fail fail
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. When you move app icon to another position in dash, vertical margin becomes too big
  2. Wiki says to restart, but «Restart is not available on Wayland»
blueduckdock42 VM
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. Extensions can be installed but does not open at all. Used Tweaks though otherwise to manage just fine via desktop app. No issues noted with website install/on/off functionality.
frantisekz VM
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
kiko964 VirtualBox VM
Pass pass
losuler Lenovo ThinkPad E450, Intel Core i5-5200U
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
pgbross VM
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
pruthvi30sk Intel® Core™ i7-8700U CPU
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail
Pass pass
  1. Does not install at all.

Gnome Online Accounts

User Profile Add Facebook Add Google Add IMAP and SMTP Add Kerberos Add MS Exchange Add Windows Live Add ownCloud References
Ykkzde Boxes
Pass pass
Pass pass
  1. Mail, Calendar and Drive OK
  2. SSL on dedicated port works for IMAP and SMTP (Shouldn't it be called TLS?)
blueduckdock42 VM
Pass pass
himmallright Virt Manager, AMD Ryzen 2600, VirtIO Spice GPU Acceleration (rx580), GNOME Test Day image
Warning warn
Warning warn
Pass pass
  1. The first time I tried it, the screen wouldn't load. It just showed a blank white page for the login for several minutes. When I tried later in a second account, it loaded.
  2. The first time I tried it, the screen wouldn't load. It just showed a blank white page for the login for several minutes. When I tried later in a second account, it loaded.
pruthvi30sk Intel® Core™ i7-8700U CPU
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
sidewinder040 Gnome Boxes
Pass pass
  1. Browsed Google Drive from Nautilus and checked Gnome Calendar showed Google events.

Disk Management

User Profile Basic LVM Modify Multipath Remote References
blueduckdock42 VM
Pass pass
pruthvi30sk Intel® Core™ i7-8700U CPU
Pass pass
sidewinder040 Gnome Boxes
Pass pass

Exploratory Testing

User Profile Exploratory Testing References
Ykkzde Boxes
Fail fail
Fail fail
  1. No option to Extract here when single or multiple archives are selected
  2. A bunch of options are missing from Mouse & Touchpad settings menu No option to Extract here when single or multiple archives are selected
himmallright Virt Manager, AMD Ryzen 2600, VirtIO Spice GPU Acceleration (rx580), GNOME Test Day image
Fail fail
  1. When logged in under xorg, gnome applications (maps, files, terminal, calendar) would not open. Firefox did however.
pruthvi30sk Intel® Core™ i7-8700U CPU
Fail fail
  1. 1. Cheese says - no device found.