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Revision as of 03:13, 13 September 2019 by Dan1mal (talk | contribs)
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Danny Lee
Personal information
Location: New York, NY
Birthday: 1973

Contact information
IRC: dan1mal on
#fedora-neuro, #fedora-design

Fedora-specific information
FAS name: dan1mal
Fedora e-mail:
Fedora homepage:

Hello! I'm currently a coding bootcamp student at the Flatiron School in downtown NYC. I've been interested in computers, the internet and programming since the early 90s, but got sidetracked for a few decades. I'm finally pursuing mastery of my first languages and expanding my understanding of all things related to software/website development. My long term goals are to become a "digital nomad" and finally be able to put into the reality the ideas in my head.

Where/when to catch me

I'm usually floating around the pagures for neuro-fedora and fedora design. I've recently gotten interested in fedora websites, so I may be around there as well. I'm found on #neuro-fedora and occasionally #fedora-design, as well as the forums! :)


Not much, so far. I'm always looking to learn new things and contribute in whatever ways I can, even if they are minor. I've started to get involved with neuro-fedora and fedora design, in minor roles. I'd also have an interest in wiki-editing and websites.