From Fedora Project Wiki

--Tertl3 22:49, 23 July 2010 (UTC)

Name: William Blackburn email: freenode IRC nick: tertl3

About me

I have always been interested in electronics. Since I was a kid I have played Atari, Nintendo, Mech Warrior 2, etc... and used the 'cheat codes' to help make my life easier. I began playing guitar when I was a teenager. I went to the local arts school for my elective class and studied jazz bass. I have been listening too and playing jazz ever since. Not to say that I haven't went through some odd phases and listened to punk rock or metal, but jazz was always in the background and now it is what I listen to and play most of the time.

Why this intro JACK?

During my college years, I was introduced to Linux by nice guy who's name I will leave anonymous until I get his approval.Well, being a musician and a Linux user, I began to try combining the two. And, to my rejoice, I found the JACK application. Now, I had seen and briefly tested JACK on Ubuntu Studio but that was when I was a gamer and I shortly gave up on it and went back to gaming. The second time around, I was determined to get JACK working and that I did. It didn't take long for me to discover the real-time preemption patch and I have been hooked ever since.