From Fedora Project Wiki

Session ideas

  • Using rpm, yum, and PackageKit -- this will be an overview of things you can find out about packages installed on your system using yum command line. Could also go into setting up the rpmfusion repository. yum historydb, complete-transaction, and such
  • How to package software -- Demonstration of taking software, packaging it, and getting it into Fedora
  • Managing software on Fedora Infrastructure -- How we use rpms, our own repository, and the koji buildsystem, to manage and deploy software in Fedora Infrastructure.

Hackfest ideas

Python programming related

  • PackageDB -- I'll give out small-medium programming tasks for improving the packagedb (Turbogears app that manages package ownership)
  • kitchen -- This is a python library that we're working on to pull small but useful pieces of code into a simple library that you can install. A hackfest would revolve around pulling code in from other places, writing unittests, writing documentation, maybe writing build scripts.
  • copr and headhunter -- This is new work that skvidal and I are doing to create a new build system so that Fedora can easily let contributors manage third party repositories.

Packaging related

  • Workshop on packaging -- I'll work with people to create packages, review and approve them.