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In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].

Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

Fedora 12 Countdown banner

Máirín Duffy asked[1] for someone to take care of the countdown banner for the Fedora 12 final release "Does anybody have the cycles to take the beta banner and refactor it into a countdown banner?" and both Nicu Buculei[2] and Alexander Smirnov[3] provided alternate implementations.

Icon Emblems

Matthias Clasen asked for help[1] with the xdg folder icons " Your challenge, if you accept it, is to take the scalable Mist folder icon and add scalable lookalikes of the emblems to it" and Máirín Duffy completed the task[2].

F12 Final Wallpaper Polish

After consulting on IRC with other members of the team Máirín Duffy proposed[1] a final update for the Fedora 12 wallpaper artwork "I'd love to hear your thoughts. I think we want to stay with the order & chaos concept; Nicu and I brainstormed a bit and I started taking this direction where you have close-together/orderly bokeh bursting out onto the left [...] I would love to hear what you think - could this work for F12? How could we push it further?" Bill Nottingham worried[2] about a need to respin all the release artwork, Jaroslav Reznik complained[3] a late and potentially disruptive change "I was really happy that we have everything ready in time for alpha and now we're starting again from point zero :(". Máirín pointed [4] this is an evolutionary process "This is not restarting from point zero. There is an absolute progression here if you start from the first iteration to these iterations", while others like Charlie Brej expressed their support[5] for the new design "As I said in IRC, I do like very much." At the time of this writing, the development continue, Fedora Weekly News will keep you updated.

Post-Beta Changes for the Desktop Look

Matthias Clasen started la large controversy[1] on @fedora-desktop after announcing a number of post-Beta changes to the desktop look and feel "note has been moved to the left, with the other launchers, the user switcher has been moved to the far right and the show desktop button has been removed. We have added padding between objects on the panel." A lot of people criticised the change so late in the release cycle, after the feature freeze made in a non-transparent way, like Rahul Sundaram[2] "The show desktop button has been in the GNOME panel for years and years. I am not sure why you wait for such changes to be done at the last minute. Where does such changes get discussed?" or John Poelstra[3] "I think removing the hide desktop button is a really bad change too. I also don't understand why these changes continue to pile on when we are way past past alpha and feature freeze. These do not seem like 'bug fixes'. Are more changes planned too?"