From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 15:05, 15 January 2019 by Till (talk | contribs) (add link to fedora magazine)

These are the suggested sessions for the Fedora 29 release cycle. The main tracker for the Fedora 29 cycle is here. These sessions will run from 2018-12-13 for 8 weeks exclusing the holiday period.

Date Class topic and Instructor Slides/Notes Session Recording/Logs Survey link
13/12/2018 1600 UTC Containers 101 with Podman - Alessandro Arrichiello PDF Slides Here
20/12/2018 -- 09/01/2019 Holiday period
10/01/2019 1400 UTC LaTeX 101 - Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" Materials: PDFs, TeX sources None due to technical issues on Jitsi
15/01/2019 1600 UTC Building container images with Buildah Dan Walsh
21/01/2019 1200 UTC L10N 101 - Silvia Sánchez
07/02/2019 1600 UTC Fedora Silverblue -- Micah Abbott
10/02/2019 1800 UTC Creating Fedora Badges - Riecatnor
18/02/2019 -- 24/02/2019 VIM 102 - Eduard Lucena
25/02/19 -- 03/03/19 Selinux - Lukas Vrabec