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In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].

Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

A New Design for the Fedora Frontpage

Máirín Duffy posted[1] on @design-team a mockup idea for a front page redesign "I don't know if it's a good idea or feasible to redo our look & feel yet again. I do think our current site is a bit too sparse though." Ricky Zhou (周家杰) appreciated[2] it for styling "I like the large tabs and your colors[]... From a CSS point of view, this layout would probably be a lot simpler than what we have now, which is great" with some concerns about some elements "Another thing that I'm a bit worried about is that the placement of the banner might look a bit strange right next to the large banner on the left side". Henrik Heigl also apreciated it[3] "Wow, its cool" but haslo had some concerns "Also I personaly dislike 2 things on such a design[...] that first the navigation is on the right side and not on the left side as most people would expect it[...] and second this textbased-sidemap-thingy at the bottom". On the contrary, the position of the navigation block was one of Nicu Buculei's favorite parts[4] "I *love* you moved the navigation bar on the right", who pleaded for simplicity, easy readability and not-fixed (liquid) layouts.

About Branding

A heated debate was fired after Ujjwol Lamichhane forwarded[1] to @design-team a controversial article about KDE and distribution branding in artwork[2] from the prominent KDE developer Aaron Seigo. It was seen as not useful[3] by Kevin Kofler "don't think this offer is of much value to Fedora at this point because we don't have our logo in the wallpaper anyway" and Jaroslav Reznik "Short conclusion: we have to lost our Fedora identity...", two of the top Fedora KDE contributors.

William Jon McCann was more radical[4] "Eventually, the Fedora board will realize that today's conception of spins is a failed experiment and force this change" and suggested Fedora KDE contributors should go the Kubuntu way "If I were working on a KDE desktop that is based on Fedora packages the first thing I would do is make sure I differentiate it from Fedora since Fedora is a GNOME based project - and that is not going to change[...] his is not a new idea - Kubuntu has been doing this for years now". He was countered[5] by Jeroen van Meeuwen "GNOME is not upstream for Fedora in it's entirety. Without GNOME, there would still be a viable Fedora Project. Where did you get the impression Fedora is a GNOME based project?" who defended the spins concept "Today's conception of spins is not a failed experiment although maybe in your opinion it doesn't meet your personal needs and/or expectations" and outlined the Fedora KDE spin as a positive example "I think the KDE spin in this regard has been one of the most outstanding examples of building a show-case spin exactly doing what is the purpose of spins to begin with."