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Revision as of 20:00, 9 March 2011 by Cwickert (talk | contribs) (add EMEA swag tracking to agenda)

Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2011-02-23 ~ EMEA

Meeting Time


This week's Ambassadors Meeting will be led by Pierros Papadeas

  • The participants can be extracted from the logs by anyone who really wants to see them.
  • Also, listed at the bottom of both the "Meeting summary and action items" files caption "People present."

Meeting Protocol

  • Please follow Meeting Protocol . Each subject will be discussed for 15 min tops, and then we vote on continuing.


Ambassadors, update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.
  • Roll Call
  • Announcements
  • F14 Media production
  • Events#EMEA-FY11Q4
  • FUDCon EMEA Bid process (and possible locations)
  • EMEA Swag tracking: (User:cwickert|Christoph) needs more help and we need to look at the processes.
  • Ambassadors Schedule (can be found here
  • Working torwards to support the GOAL #4: It is extraordinarily easy to join the Fedora community and quickly find a project to work on. - from the Ambassadors Group Side
  • Open floor

Full log

  • TBA

Meeting summary and action items

  • TBA

Next meeting