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Revision as of 13:05, 16 October 2013 by Duffy (talk | contribs)

Looking for the list of projects and mentors? Below is general information about Fedora's participation in the Outreach Program for Women Round 7 / 2013. Check out our listing of projects and mentors and please apply to work with us!


Fedora will be taking part in a general Outreach Program for Women from January 2 through April 2, 2013. This program is an internship program specifically targeted at women: our goal is to increase womens' participation in Fedora. This is a continuation of the very successful GNOME Outreach Program for Women and we are running the program in conjunction with GNOME and other prominent open source projects. You may read more about the background of this program at that site.


  • October 1: program announced and application form made available
  • October 1 - November 11: applicants need to get in touch with at least one project and make a contribution to it
  • November 11: application deadline
  • November 25: accepted participants announced
  • December 10 - March 10: internship period


About Fedora

Fedora is a Linux-based free software operating system. You can use Fedora in addition to, or instead of, other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Mac OS X™. The Fedora operating system is completely free of cost for you to enjoy and share.

The Fedora Project is the name of a worldwide community of people who love, use, and build free software. We want to lead in the creation and spread of free code and content by working together as a community. Fedora is sponsored by Red Hat, the world's most trusted provider of open source technology. Red Hat invests in Fedora to encourage collaboration and incubate innovative new free software technologies.

We believe in the value of free software, and fight to protect and promote solutions anyone can use and redistribute. Not only is the Fedora operating system made from free software, but we use free software exclusively to provide it to you. The website you are reading this on right now, in fact, is made from free software and serves millions of people every month.

We also believe in the power of collaboration. Our contributors work with free software project teams around the world we call "upstream." They create much of the software found in Fedora. We collaborate closely with them so everyone can benefit from our work, and get access to improvements as soon as possible. By working in the same direction as these project teams, we can ensure that free software works better together, and provides the best experience for users. We also can include improvements quickly, which helps not only users, but the upstream as well.

Contact Information

If you have Fedora-specific questions at any point during the application process, you are welcome to email them to or ask them on the #fedora-women IRC channel on . It's easy to connect to IRC, and you can learn all about the use of IRC in Fedora and the different applications you can use to connect. The information about project-specific IRC channels and mentors' IRC nicks and e-mails is available in the list of Fedora projects and mentors for them.

Choose a Project

Take a look at the list of various Fedora projects and the mentors listed for them.

You will need to decide which project or projects you are most interested in working on and make the required small contribution to it with the help of a mentor. The following things can help you with your decision:

  • Read the project's wiki page on the Fedora wiki or on its Fedora Hosted project page.
  • Lurk on the project's IRC channel
  • Especially if you are applying for a software development internship, build the code for the project and run it to check out its latest capabilities (the wiki usually has the instructions for doing this, but don't hesitate twice to ask the project's mentor or people on IRC for help if you encounter any problems)
  • Look at the open bugs for the project in Bugzilla under the 'Fedora' product.
  • Look at the recent changes in the project's Git repository
  • Read the recent discussion on the project's mailing list.
  • Read the blogs of the project's mentor and other project contributors (you can learn who they are when looking at the Git repository). Many Fedora project contributor blogs are aggregated at Planet Fedora.
  • Introduce yourself to the project's mentor and discuss what your tasks during the internship program would be

Feel free to let us know if you would like to work on a project that is not listed on the projects page and we will try to find a possible mentor for that project.


Please read the information for mentors and add your project and yourself as a mentor to the list of mentors for various Fedora projects.

Please e-mail if you have any questions about participating in the program as a mentor and to ask to be added to that mailing lists, which are private to the program's coordinators and mentors. Máirín Duffy is the coordinator for the program in Fedora.


Please see the information for organizations and companies on the main GNOME Outreach Program for Women page. We would love to have more organizations join the program and more companies sponsor internships with open source projects and other related organizations.

As a company, you are welcome to specify the project you would like to sponsor and have your employee be a mentor for the project. We will take care of finding the best applicant!

Please feel free to contact Karen Sandler and Marina Zhurakhinskaya with any questions.


This program and all offers related to it are void where prohibited or restricted by law or where operation of the program would violate any law or right. By applying to this program or participating in it, you agree that all claims related to this program will be adjudicated in and under the laws of the State of California in the United States of America.