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Fedora Classroom - Beginner's guide to getting involved - Paul Frields - Saturday, November 7, 2008

IRC Log of the Class

 22:00 -!- nirik changed the topic of #fedora-classroom to: Fedora Classroom - Beginner's guide to getting involved with your teacher: stickster  - 
 See for more info
 22:00  * kdn *hearing the class bell ring**
 22:00 < fengshaun> kdn, LOL!!!!
 22:00 < stickster> Hello everyone!
 22:01 < fengshaun> stickster, hello!!!
 22:01 < stickster> First, thanks to Jon Stanley, a hard man to follow
 22:01 < Ineluctable> are logs going to be posted for every class?
 22:01 < erinlea80> Hi Stickster!
 22:01 < kdn> hi, stickster
 22:01 < thomasj> hello stickster
 22:01 <@nirik> Ineluctable: yes.
 22:01 < mattia> hello stickster
 22:01 < stickster> And thank you also to Kevin Fenzi for setting up the Fedora Classroom
 22:01 < fengshaun> nirik, where?
 22:01 < Ineluctable> nirik:ty
 22:01 <@nirik> fengshaun: linked from the classroom page:
 22:01 < stickster> and to the other instructors who are donating their time this weekend to help us all learn a little more about Fedora
 22:01 < fengshaun> nirik, good, thanks
 22:01 <@nirik> stickster: thanks. :) take it away.
 22:02 < stickster> So for those who don't know me, I'm the Fedora Project Leader
 22:02 < stickster> You probably know my predecessor Max Spevack
 22:02 < stickster> I started at Red Hat in February 2008 as the FPL
 22:02 < stickster> And I'm going to talk to you about how to get involved in Fedora.
 22:02 < stickster> I want to encourage everyone to ask questions as we go
 22:02 < stickster> Otherwise my typing hands are going to get very tired
 22:02 < stickster> And you'll get very bored.
 22:03 < stickster> The first question I want to talk about, which I'm sure a lot of people have, is "why?"
 22:03 < stickster> Why should I get involved in Fedora?
 22:04 < stickster> Well, let's step back to look at the bigger question, which is why to get involved in free software at all.
 22:04 < stickster> How is it that free software is free anyway?
 22:04 < Abd4llA> the community
 22:04 < stickster> True, some of the work that goes into free software is produced by companies -- like Red Hat, the company I work for. 
 They are, for example, the single biggest corporate contributor to the Linux kernel, which runs every Linux box out there
 22:05 < stickster> Abd4llA: EXACTLY! Excellent answer
 22:05 < stickster> Free software is free because ALL the work that goes into it is *donated*.
 22:05 < stickster> And the *vast* majority of those donations don't come from companies at all
 22:05 < stickster> They come from people who just love to help each other build and learn new things.
 22:06 < stickster> Free software, just like any software endeavor, is not just about code.
 22:06 < brunowolff> I like being able to fix stuff myself when needed.
 22:06 < stickster> It's also about all the things that bring it to as many people as possible.
 22:06 < stickster> brunowolff: Precisely!
 22:06 < stickster> Isn't that a great pleasure of free software?
 22:06 < erinlea80> are most contributions non-monetary in nature?
 22:06 < fengshaun> brunowolff, +1
 22:06 < stickster> You can do that because the code has been donated under a free license
 22:07 < kdn> If you can't void the warranty, if you can't open it, you don;t own it.
 22:07 < stickster> Someone took the precise step of making that code free, so you would be able to look at it and fix what you need to, 
 to make it do what you want.
 22:07 < brunowolff> That makes it easier and republishable, but binaries can get fixed when needed to,
 22:07 < brunowolff> too,
 22:07 < stickster> erinlea80: I think it's hard to say, but that's my suspicion, yes
 22:07 < stickster> Most contributions *are* non-monetary
 22:07 < stickster> They're more often -- I believe -- contributions of time, effort, and knowledge.
 22:08 < erinlea80> :)
 22:08 < stickster> You don't have to be well-heeled to do something good for your community or for people halfway around the world
 22:08 < stickster> You just need to devote some time
 22:08 < kdn> +1
 22:08 < stickster> Free software is used all over the world by people you may never meet, but whose life you're making better by your 
 investment of time and energy
 22:09 < ricky> I've been wondering - can the idea of open source apply to patents as well, and is there any common license that is used 
 to make patented ideas "open" ?
 22:09 < stickster> Teseting and quality assurance, translation, documentation, marketing...
 22:09 < stickster> *Testing
 22:09 < ricky> Patents as in the ideas themselves, as opposed to the expression of the ideas (the code)
 22:10 < jds2001> ricky: there are things like OIN, if that's what you mean.
 22:10 < stickster> ricky: That's a good question, maybe outside the scope of getting involved, but generally patents can be granted in 
 ways that open them up to the community
 22:10 < stickster> jds2001: +1
 22:10 < jds2001> and let's not forget about the Firestar settlement.
 22:10 < ricky> Ah, cool
 22:10 < stickster> OIN is the Open Invention Network:
 22:10 < stickster>
 22:10 < stickster> So where was I?
 22:10 < stickster> OH yes
 22:11 < stickster> Testing and quality assurance, translation, documentation, marketing...
 22:11 < stickster> and many other efforts
 22:11 < stickster> All these things go into making software of any kind
 22:11 < stickster> And with free software, these are efforts the community can join
 22:11 < stickster> (Of course, if you write code, that's great too!) ;-)
 22:11 < fengshaun> stickster, question!
 22:11 < stickster> The more donations there are, the faster that free software improves.
 22:11 < stickster> fengshaun: Ask away!
 22:11 < fengshaun> how much coding knowledge should you have?
 22:12 < fengshaun> to contribute?
 22:12 < VileGent> !
 22:12 < stickster> You don't need *any* coding knowledge for many of the things that Fedora needs
 22:12 < jds2001> as much or as little as you like.
 22:12 < jds2001> down to none.
 22:12 < fengshaun> for the coding part, I mean!
 22:12 < fengshaun> oh
 22:12 < stickster> If you *can* code, there are additional ways you can contribute, but even complete non-coders can help
 22:12 < stickster> fengshaun: Let me give you an example
 22:12 < stickster> ME
 22:12 < stickster> I am not a coder.
 22:12 < stickster> I started out in 1997 as a Linux user
 22:12 < VileGent> fengshaun,  you can always help in #fedora as well
 22:13 < stickster> Linux helped me advance operations in my office, because the code was open and auditable
 22:13 < fengshaun> VileGent, yes, I try to do that as much as I can!
 22:13 < stickster> When I found out the Fedora Project existed, and Red Hat had started a community Linux distribution project, 
 I jumped at the chance
 22:13 < stickster> I became a documentation writer, which was good for me because I was not an experienced software developer
 22:14 < erinlea80> What attracted you to the Fedora Project vs. other distro. efforts?
 22:14 < erinlea80> (besides a paid job at RedHat)
 22:14 < stickster> erinlea80: The funny thing was, I got involved 5 years ago
 22:14 < nuonguy> can I give another reason to get involved?
 22:14 < stickster> erinlea80: And I never wanted a job at Red Hat
 22:14 < jds2001> the paid job is a very recent thing.
 22:14 < Abd4llA> erinlea80: good question
 22:14 < erinlea80> ah okay.
 22:14 < stickster> I did it because it was a way of giving back to a community that helped me build my career
 22:14 < stickster> A career that had nothing to do with free software itself
 22:15 < stickster> So I dived in to help
 22:15 < stickster> And eventually one thing led to another
 22:15 < stickster> working in Fedora Documentation became...
 22:15 < stickster> working on the Fedora Docs Steering Committee...
 22:15 < stickster> became...
 22:15 < stickster> working as an inaugural member of the Fedora Board...
 22:15 < stickster> became...
 22:16 < stickster> getting a call from Max to see if I was interested in a job.
 22:16 < stickster> And honestly, I didn't *need* this job, but it was too fascinating to pass up!
 22:16 < stickster> And now I get to spend all day (and many nights) ;-)  working with and talking to fine people like yourselves!
 22:17 < stickster> erinlea80: There's another half to your question
 22:17 < stickster> I got involved in Fedora because it was the first community distribution that had its roots in a long-standing commercial product
 22:17 < stickster> I had used the commercial product for a long time so it was natural that I was interested in diving into building it
 22:17 < erinlea80> That certainly makes sense. :)
 22:18 < stickster> Debian was *obviously* there earlier
 22:18 < stickster> But others like OpenSuSE and Ubuntu came about because Fedora blazed the trail of a partnership between commerce and community
 22:19  * stickster pauses now to see if there are other questions he hasn't answered
 22:19  * roguedaemon waves
 22:19 < stickster> OK then
 22:19 < stickster> moving on...
 22:19  * thomasj waves back
 22:19 < stickster> Now I've done a little rah-rah cheerleading, it's time to talk nuts and bolts a little.
 22:20 < stickster> The first thing you need to get involved is a Fedora account
 22:20 < Bugz> I'm interested a little in how to contribute to documentation, an overview of how the process works
 22:20 < stickster> Bugz: Great question
 22:20 < stickster> Bugz: And I'll get there in just a few minutes
 22:21 < stickster> Docs, like all our other projects, requires a Fedora account
 22:21 < stickster> Where do you get one?
 22:21 < stickster>
 22:21 < stickster> This used to be a really difficult process but fortunately it's all a couple mouse clicks away now
 22:21 < Abd4llA> stickster: would a redhat account do ?
 22:22 < stickster> We don't really treat substantially different from anyone else
 22:22 < stickster> You'd still want a Fedora account
 22:22 < ricky> (they're two different systems)
 22:22 < stickster> ricky: +1, exactly
 22:22 < Abd4llA> k
 22:23 < stickster> What does a Fedora account get you?
 22:23 < stickster> 1. A Fedora identity, which you can use for group access for more technical tasks, if that's where you want to get involved
 22:23 < stickster> 2. A SSH account on, and 150 MB of shareable web space
 22:24  * nirik also notes an openid you can use at sites that take openid too. 
 22:24 < stickster> 3. Other benefits like the possibility of an IRC cloak that makes you show up as (for example) "fedora/johnpublic" on IRC
 22:24 < thomasj> fas.. ok
 22:24 < domg472> do we still need a telephone to be able to register?
 22:24 < stickster> 4. A Voice-over-IP account where you and fellow contributors can contact each other
 22:25 < zless> stickster, oh? i thought you still need approval from 'spot' for that IRC cloak.
 22:25 < stickster> zless: It's not automatic but there aren't any real entrance requirements; you just need to request one
 22:25 < Ineluctable> are there free voip accounts?
 22:25 < ivazquez> Not so much approval as much as he has to request it.
 22:25 < stickster> domg472: You need a contact number, whether it's your own or someone who can get a hold of you
 22:26 < domg472> i don own a telephone :/
 22:26 < jds2001> someone you know surely does.
 22:26 < kdn> Could you elaborate on IRC cloaking?
 22:26 < domg472> thanks for the answer
 22:26 < stickster> domg472: If you have family with a telephone, that would suffice I believe
 22:27 < stickster> This is a legal requirement since Fedora does have to adhere to US laws and regulations
 22:27 < kdn> 'twasn't clear to me how to make the request ..
 22:27 < stickster> Ineluctable: Yes, the VoIP account is free, but it does not allow outgoing calls
 22:27 < stickster> So you can't use it for free long-distance, for example
 22:27 < ivazquez> It doesn't have PSTN connectivity.
 22:27 < stickster> But you can use it to receive calls and to contact other Fedora contributors who are signed onto the VoIP system.
 22:27 < stickster> ivazquez: Actually it does, but only incoming.
 22:27 < Ineluctable> stickster: can I contact other fedora members?
 22:27 < ricky> kdn:
 22:28 < ivazquez> Fair enough.
 22:28 < jds2001> yes, you can call me at 5102788 for example.
 22:28 < stickster> Ineluctable: Yes, absolutely, if their phones are signed in.
 22:28 < brunowolff> That's neat. Is there a directory? Can people use it to call you?
 22:28 < kdn> tks, ricky
 22:28 < stickster> Yes
 22:29 < stickster> All right, so that's enough about the benefits
 22:29 < stickster> But to keep our eyes on the prize:
 22:29 < stickster> It's not all about what you get
 22:29 < stickster> It's what you *give*
 22:29 < stickster> Being a contributor is more than just being a proud user of free software
 22:29 < stickster> Although I think that everyone here is probably the latter, too
 22:29 < stickster> I know I am!
 22:29 < stickster> What are some ways to get involved in contributing to Fedora?
 22:30 < stickster> I'm going to talk about some of the groups in Fedora and what they do
 22:30 < brunowolff> Filing bug reports
 22:30 < stickster> brunowolff: +1, yes, QA and bug triage
 22:30 < stickster> (which jds2001 spoke about so eloquently earlier)
 22:30 < stickster> Anybody else have ideas?
 22:30 < doddo> packaging
 22:30 < brunowolff> Maintaining packages
 22:30 < stickster> doddo: +1
 22:30 < stickster> brunowolff: OK, you've had your limelight! :-D
 22:31 < stickster> kidding!
 22:31 < stickster> anyone else?
 22:31 < brunowolff> In your intro you didn't mention artists.
 22:31 < domg472> i am just helping people out on irc
 22:31 < Sid> there's way more, translation, documentation, infrastructure
 22:31 < stickster> What about translation?
 22:31 < Ineluctable> distribution of media or anything else that brings members to the community?
 22:31 < kdn> documenting?
 22:31 < erinlea80> marketing and advocacy
 22:31 < cga> hi all
 22:31 < Abd4llA> What exactly is "Maintaining packages " ?
 22:31 < stickster> Sid: +3
 22:31 < stickster> Ineluctable: +1
 22:31 < stickster> kdn: +1
 22:31 < thomasj> hopefully, helper in #fedora as well
 22:31 < stickster> erinlea80: +1
 22:32 < stickster> thomasj: +1!
 22:32 < stickster> What about helping with website maintenance?
 22:32 < stickster> Web design?
 22:32 < stickster> What about system administration and infrastructure tasks?
 22:32 < stickster> All of these things allow you to get involved.
 22:32 < neverho0d> local community support
 22:32 < kanarip> Abd4llA, maybe i can answer that for you?
 22:33 < zless> getting ISPs to stop using bastardized and/or EOL versions of Fedora?
 22:33 < stickster> Abd4llA: kanarip: And I think ivazquez is doing a classroom session in ~30 minutes on that very subject
 22:33 < zless> :)
 22:33 < Ineluctable> how about host events that bring the community togther as well as non-members
 22:33 < erinlea80> install fests.
 22:33 < stickster> Ineluctable: Yes, Ambassadorial duties +1
 22:33 < stickster> So let's talk a little about some of these groups.
 22:33 < stickster> First, translation
 22:33 < kanarip> Abd4llA, a package, as you know, gets updates to make sure bugs are fixed, security issues are closed, 
 enhancements are incorporated
 22:34 < kanarip> Abd4llA, somebody has to update those packages and make sure everything works on an installed system; that is 
 practically what package maintainers do
 22:34 < Abd4llA> gr8
 22:35 < stickster> So...
 22:35 < stickster> There are hundreds -- maybe *thousands* -- of people donating time to translate software and documentation
 22:35 < stickster> We have a Translation (also called Localization or "L10n" for short) team
 22:35 < stickster> that works on these issues
 22:35 < stickster> and a dedicated site and project
 22:36 < stickster>
 22:36 < stickster> There is also a wiki page devoted to the L10n team whre you can find information on joining
 22:36 < stickster>
 22:36 < stickster> All you need is a computer, some time and energy, and knowledge of US English and at least one other language
 22:37 < fengshaun> darn, I have to go out!
 22:37 < stickster> Translators work on the software in Fedora that is specific to Fedora (like system-config-* tools)
 22:37 < fengshaun> sorry stickster, and see you everyone!
 22:37 < jds2001> FergatROn: that's fine, the logs will be there :)
 22:37 < stickster> and documentation like the release notes and installation guide
 22:37 < stickster> our websites, and so on...
 22:37 < LinuxCode> stickster, I hope you meant International English
 22:38 < stickster> To make Fedora accessible to people all around the world
 22:38 < fengshaun> jds2001, thanks!
 22:38 < stickster> LinuxCode: Any English will probably do nicely ;-)
 22:38 < Abd4llA> what if I'm a developer, I get to work only in the software specific to Fedora ?
 22:38 < doddo> so how does it work IRL, for example the translation part, there must be some workflow, right? I meen you dont 
 just start translating randomly?
 22:39 < jds2001> Abd4llA: we would very much encourage you to work upstream as well.
 22:39 < stickster> Abd4llA: Not at all, but if you want to work on non-Fedora specific software, you would probably want to get 
 involved with the upstream community that provides that software
 22:39 < stickster> doddo: That's right
 22:39 < jds2001> and anything that you put in Fedora should be on a path to upstream.
 22:39 < stickster> doddo: And the people at the L10n team, as well as a locale-specific team in your nation, can help you get started
 22:40 < stickster> Obviously there's not time for me to tell everyone about how each specific team works
 22:40 < stickster> (and I'd probably get the details wrong if I tried!)
 22:40 < stickster> jds2001: +1
 22:40 < stickster> jds2001 has pointed out a very important part of how Fedora contributions benefit the *entire* free software community
 22:41 < stickster> Everything we do, everything we use, and everything we create in Fedora is 100% free and open source
 22:41 < Discordian> Except the artwork etc?
 22:41 < stickster> Discordian: No, actually, artwork is exactly the same
 22:41 < Discordian> Ahhh ok
 22:41 < stickster> 100% free and open source, and more than that, *created* with free and open tools
 22:42 < Discordian> Yes I appreciate that
 22:42 < jds2001> the only thing that you need permission for is the logo.
 22:42 < stickster> So the Artwork team uses, for example, tools like GIMP and Inkscape
 22:42 < jds2001> but that is very specifically not included in the artwork.
 22:42 < ivazquez> Trademark law still applies.
 22:42 < stickster> jds2001: Yes, that's right -- the Fedora logo is an official trademark
 22:42 < Discordian> jds: thanks that's what I was thinking of
 22:42 < kiakli> and rpmfusion-free is 100% free?
 22:42 < stickster> Which is why we specifically *don't* put it in our artwork
 22:42 < stickster> So that others can use it
 22:42 < Discordian> inkscape is very cool
 22:43 <@nirik> kiakli: they are not part of fedora. ;) Ask them what they mean by free there.
 22:43 < stickster> So Discordian helped me get Artwork into the discussion
 22:43 < stickster> How about documentation?
 22:43 < stickster> Just about anyone can help with cleaning up wiki pages
 22:43 < stickster> Or collecting information into helpful pages
 22:44 < stickster> If you are willing to learn a few new skills, you can also work on some of our bigger documents
 22:44 < stickster> like the Release Notes and the Installation Guide
 22:44 < stickster>
 22:44 < kdn> Supposing that I have a FAS account(I do), and supposing I want to contribute(I do), how can I play along?
 22:44 < stickster> kdn:
 22:44 < kdn> brb
 22:45 < stickster> That URL will help you find a team that does things you might want to help do
 22:45 < Discordian> I'd certainly like to help if I can
 22:45 < zless> i suppose typical, example workflows would be helpful
 22:45 < brunowolff> Do you have to be in the Doc group to edit random (not your own) wiki pages or is CLA good enough?
 22:45 < stickster> brunowolff: Great question!
 22:45 < domg472> i contribute to documents just by helping the writer, answering questions etc
 22:45 < stickster> brunowolff: When you get a Fedora account, that is *all* you need to help on the wiki
 22:45 < stickster> You sign into the wiki with the same user name and password.
 22:46 < stickster> domg472: And you can extend that work into your local community with the Ambassadors program too
 22:46 < domg472> good to know
 22:46 < domg472> most of my work is on irc
 22:46 < stickster> Ambassadors spend some of their free time talking to local individuals, groups, schools, businesses, government, etc. 
 about Fedora
 22:46  * erinlea80 would love to hear more about local community initiatives...
 22:47 < stickster> Ambassadors also give Fedora a presence at trade shows in their areas
 22:47 < stickster> To spread the word about Fedora and free software, and help answer questions in person
 22:47 < stickster> erinlea80: You would probably be very interested in what our Ambassadors do, then
 22:47 < stickster> They are really the bridge between Fedora and all the local communities in the world where free software can help make
 people's lives better
 22:48 < stickster> I have a quesetion
 22:48 < stickster> Actually, I have a *question*
 22:48 < stickster> Are there any system administrators present (other than current Fedora principals)?
 22:48  * erinlea80 raises her hand
 22:48 < Discordian> I'm a sysadmin
 22:48 < doddo> yeah I am too
 22:48 < kdn> a-yup
 22:48 < stickster> You might be interested in our Infrastructure team
 22:48 < neverho0d> me too
 22:48 < domg472> i adminstrate my system sure
 22:48 < stickster>
 22:49 < kiakli> +1
 22:49 < stickster> In particular, sysadmins who run multiple systems for *other* people?
 22:49 < domg472> not a pro here ;)
 22:49 < Discordian> Yeah I might be more use packaging stuff
 22:49 < Abd4llA> I amm
 22:49 < stickster> Even if you only administer *your* system
 22:49 < kdn> yep
 22:49 < neverho0d> i am
 22:49 < stickster> you can get involved in Fedora Infrastructure
 22:49 < Discordian> I run stuff for other people
 22:49 < erinlea80> I run multiple systems for a fortune 100 giant
 22:49 < stickster> They maintain a world-class server backend that makes the whole Fedora Project run
 22:50 < stickster> including technologies like virtualization, change management systems, automated backups, distributed source 
 code management, and hosted projects
 22:50 < stickster> We have equipment located around the world
 22:50 < stickster> And a "follow-the-sun" team that keeps it all running smoothly
 22:50 < Discordian> I tend to use CentOS for servers but it's all part of the family
 22:51 < Discordian> Yeah I've done follow the sun with USA, JA and AU servers as well as UK
 22:51 < Abd4llA> stickster: are there any "windows" servers :P
 22:51 < stickster> It's a great place to learn about the methods they use for easy and scalable system administration
 22:51 < stickster> Abd4llA: HA HA HA!
 22:51 < stickster> :-)
 22:52 < stickster> So I would recommend that if you have skill or interest in that, Infra is where it's at
 22:52 < Discordian> Oh dear he said the W* word
 22:52 < LinuxCode> lets flog him
 22:52 < LinuxCode> ;-p
 22:52 < LinuxCode> in a hypothetically sense
 22:53 < stickster> Jon talked very eloquently already about bug triage, which is part of a larger quality assurance (QA) effort
 22:53 < LinuxCode> stickster, does the infrastructure team run git etc.. and decide on whats run ?
 22:53 < stickster> LinuxCode: I believe they use git for most of their source control tasks
 22:54 < LinuxCode> or does the steering committee decide on what software they want run ?
 22:54 < stickster> LinuxCode: They also provide CVS, SVN, bazaar, and Mercurial
 22:54 < stickster> And there may be one more in there that I'm forgetting
 22:54 < LinuxCode> interesting
 22:54 < stickster> They provide those SCM's for other projects too
 22:54 < Ineluctable> stickster: Just a thought but I think that the fedora-classroom should be add to 
 page as an on going live training, or school enviroment type of thing.
 22:54 < stickster> So each software project gets to choose its SCM
 22:54 < jds2001> the main fedora repo uses CVS for specfiles.
 22:55 < Discordian> maybe the other is RCS or perforce?
 22:55 < jds2001> however, each hosted project is free to choose their SCM.
 22:55 < stickster> Ineluctable: I'm absolutely sure that nirik will be doing that once we have settled into a routine and know that people like 
 this as a continuing effort
 22:55 < jds2001> Discordian: neither of those :)
 22:55 < ivazquez> Within limits.
 22:55 < ivazquez> svn, git, hg, bzr, mtn.
 22:55 < stickster> mtn, that's the one.
 22:55 < jds2001> ahh yes, mtn
 22:55 < Discordian> ahhh ok
 22:55 <@nirik> Ineluctable: yeah, we will be learning from these sessions and updating things. Thats a great idea.
 22:55 < stickster> Thank you ivazquez
 22:56 < stickster> There is also the Websites team, which is different from the Infrastructure team
 22:56 < stickster> They work on design and implementation of our sites
 22:56 < stickster> keeping everything looking good and showing helpful information on each main web page
 22:56 < Discordian> I couldn't design my way out of a paper bag lol
 22:56 < stickster> It's the intersection of usability, design, and Web programming
 22:57 < stickster> Another group I don't want to forget is the Fedora News team
 22:57 < stickster> They provide a weekly newsletter that lets everyone know what's been going on in Fedora
 22:57 < stickster> Being on the Fedora News team couldn't be simpler
 22:57 < brunowolff> They are pretty go about that. There was a bodhi update that required javascript for something to work so I 
 filed a complaint and
 22:57  * kdn noting that the lecture hall now has > 80 members. Good!
 22:57 < stickster> You just have to be able to summarize discussions and events in one specific area of Fedora (like, for example, 
 the Websites team) for publishing in the Fedora Weekly News
 22:58 < brunowolff> a couple of hours later there was a new bodhi release with a fix. I was stunned.
 22:58 < brunowolff> I think Luke did that.
 22:58 < stickster>
 22:58 < stickster> brunowolff: I'm constantly amazed at how much a volunteer team can get done
 22:58 < stickster> We do have some leadership from paid Red Hat employees in specific cases
 22:58 < Ineluctable> nirik: Awesome I am a beginer at linux and fedora but I do enjoy learning and maby one day teaching.  I am going to 
 set up an fas account so I can contribute, please let me know how I can help with the fedora-classroom project,
 22:59 < stickster> But a *lot* of the work is done by contributors around the world
 22:59 < stickster> Wow, my time is nearly up here
 22:59 < stickster> I hope this has been a helpful introduciton
 22:59 <@nirik> Ineluctable: excellent. Feel free to find me after the sessions are over.
 22:59 < stickster> I would like to give a challenge to everyone watching --
 22:59 < stickster> Get involved!
 22:59 < Discordian> Thank you stickster
 22:59 < stickster> You can make a difference in the lives of MILLIONS of people
 22:59 <@nirik> thanks stickster !
 22:59 < erinlea80> thank you stickster!
 22:59 < domg472> thanks
 22:59 < Bugz> thank you stickster
 22:59  * stickster waves at everyone and thanks nirik again for the opportunity