From Fedora Project Wiki
- Practically nothing.
Still needs work
- anaconda (via pyblock) needs to set a uuid for new raids it discovers.
- mkinitrd needs to query the uuid and put it in the initrd
- nash needs support for setting uuids
- done as of 9 Jan 2006
- not committing until after mkinitrd stuff above is done
- won't be in fc5t2
- Certain BIOS formats aren't supported at all:
- MPT/Fusion
- detection of mirror sync status from metadata
- BIOS formats we know we get this right on: none
- BIOS formats we know we get this wrong on: sata_sil via
- dmraid monitoring/sync daemon (aka dmsyncd)
- just started working on this today (9 Jan 2006)
- write out mirror sync status to metadata once sync completes
- not implemented yet.
- needs functionality not yet in libdmraid .
- detection of mirror sync completion
- not implemented yet.
- requires uuid changes in anaconda/nash/mkinitrd .
- detection of disk swapout between reboots:
- not implemented yet.
- probably will require more anaconda/mkinitrd/nash changes. Not sure yet.