NetBeans is an open-source software development project with an active community.
- Name: Victor G. Vasilyev
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 10 "Cambridge"
- Last updated: Nov 25th 2008
- Percentage of completion: 100% [1]:
- The feature is completed for the Final Freeze milestone.
- All issues against the feature are resolved (all bugs have been closed or they have the modified status).
Detailed Description
The NetBeans project provides two target products:
- NetBeans Platform is a framework for Rich Client Swing Applications with the development support. [2]
- NetBeans IDE is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java/JavaFX, C/C++, Ruby, UML, etc. [3]
NetBeans IDE is based on the NetBeans Platform.
Benefit to Fedora
Fedora users obtain:
- easy and rapid way to organize environment for development of systems that can be based on modern technologies and popular programming languages.
- a way for development of applications based on the NetBeans Platform. All the tools required for development of the Rich Client Swing Applications are included in the IDE.
Both the NetBeans Platform and the NetBeans IDE use some number of the Java libraries additionally to the OpenJDK. Part of the libraries are already accessible in the target Fedora release, but a handful of packages need to be ported or upgraded. See dependency tree [4].
Test Plan
Approaches to test the NetBeans products and other QA info are explained on the page wiki.netbeans.org/Quality [5]
The page "Test Specifications for NetBeans 6.1" [6] integrates info about tests against all features of the NetBeans, version 6.1.
Note: The current release for Fedora is restricted edition of the NetBeans, version 6.1.
NetBeans 6.1 Fedora Packages Testing [7].
User Experience
The NetBeans IDE is oriented on wide audience of developers from beginners up to experts. Each of them can find useful set of the development tools that are embedded in the IDE or can be integrated with. The NetBeans IDE is the modular system and it can be configured according to user needs.
All needed packages to be ported or upgraded are also owned by owner of this feature ( Victor G. Vasilyev). See dependency tree [8].
Contingency Plan
None necessary. Both the NetBeans IDE and the NetBeans Platform extend a stack of the Java applications on the Fedora platform.
Both the NetBeans IDE and the NetBeans Platform are shipped with the on-line documentation in forms of JavaDoc, JavaHelp, HTML- and textual files. Prepared packages provide all this documentation.
The NetBeans project also supports Internet resources, including the knowledge base [9] and wiki [10].
Release Notes
Current release in the scope of the Fedora issues:
- #456337 provides the Base IDE [11] with support of Java development. See also the NetBeans IDE 6.1 Release Notes [12].
- #456341 provides all features of the NetBeans Platform, version 8 [13]
Comments and Discussion
- See Talk:Features/NetBeans
- NetBeans & Fedora - details about the NetBeans packages for Fedora.