From Fedora Project Wiki

LinuxFest NorthWest (LFNW) 2012


  • Saturday, April 28th and Sunday, April 29th
  • Bellingham Technical College
  • Air to BLI, Drive I-5, Rail, Bus or Ferry to Bellingham Port, or Ride-Share

Event Description

LinuxFest Northwest (LFNW) is the 13th annual premier Linux event in the northwestern U.S. Two days of Linux related talks, exhibition space for clubs and vendors, after-fest event on Saturday and the World Famous Raffle. Besides a thousand linux enthusists this event also attracts local residents who are curious about linux.

Event Owners

Jeff Sandys

Fedora Representatives

Jeff Sandys Ambassador more to come

Event Schedule

Sessions Schedule

Selected Events:


  • Demo Fedora 17 Beta
  • kid friendly OLPC
  • Fedora-PlantCCRMA music demo
  • your idea?

Please add yourself if you're planning to spend at least a little while at the Fedora Booth helping out.

Who Saturday Sunday
Jeff Sandys X X
Second booth volunteer ? ?
Who's next? Add yourself here ? ?

The Second booth volunteer will get a NFNW Tee Shirt, and lunch both days!

I'll have a computer with fedora 16 and 17, my laptop with Planet CCRMA music applications, and a OLPC.

Important Deadlines

  • Presentations due March 1st

Event Budget

Item Cost Comments
LFNW sponsorship $400* Silver level with 6 foot table
SWAG? $0* USB keys? etc.? (NOTE: not swag already in West Coast event box)

/*/ Final budget, items based on actuals; still need cost of swag.

Travel Subsidy Requests

Travel Subsidy Requests
Each attendee requesting travel subsidies for the event should be listed here including the information requested in Sponsoring Event Attendees.

Event Report

My blog and others will be listed here