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20:07 [Users #fedora-cn]
20:07 [@ChanServ  ] [ AutumnCat  ] [ hellwolf-n810] [ Snifox    ] 
20:07 [+cswiii    ] [ candyz0416 ] [ huntxu       ] [ wenk      ] 
20:07 [+gcell     ] [ cbkid      ] [ imagelife    ] [ whuwxl    ] 
20:07 [+hers      ] [ ccnix      ] [ lrc          ] [ wjw       ] 
20:07 [+K410      ] [ chendy     ] [ manphiz      ] [ xielingyun] 
20:07 [+liuhongdan] [ DawnFantasy] [ penghb       ] [ yafeng    ] 
20:07 [+ricky     ] [ fetid      ] [ pingz        ] [ yuxans    ] 
20:07 [+yuliang   ] [ freeflying ] [ r0bertz|work ] [ zzlyzq    ] 
20:07 [ akonadi   ] [ Havanna    ] [ sir_liu      ] 
20:07 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 35 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 7 voices, 27 normal]
20:08 -!- ccnix [n=ccnix@] has quit ["Lost terminal"]
20:09 -!- yuliang [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008111217]"]
20:13 <+gcell> K410: 我回来了
20:13 <+gcell> K410: 刚刚吃饭去了
20:14 <+gcell> 开1
20:14 <+hers> gcell~ 今天晚上想说什么?
20:14 <+gcell> K410: 这个 我更新了链接,你看下
20:14 <+gcell> hers: 呃,不知道阿
20:15 <+gcell> hers:  国内的源?
20:16  * cbkid 十分幽怨的说:源....
20:16 -!- wenk_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:17 -!- wenk [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:17 <+hers> 有钱没
20:17 -!- wenk_ is now known as wenk
20:17 < cbkid> wenk: ?
20:17 <+gcell> hers: richard那边联系的怎么样了?
20:17 < wenk> ?
20:17 < wenk> 刚才可能掉线了
20:18 < cbkid> wenk: 有源了没?
20:18 < huntxu> 嘿,来个小问题,fedora的命名规则是怎样的,有个人告诉我他的包后面都有一个f11.i386.rpm,他据此认为f11已经出来了...
20:19 < wenk> 你没搞么?我还以为你在搞。我在看画皮
20:19 < cbkid> wenk: 我搞了现在还没好呢
20:19 < cbkid> wenk: 一定要有人指导阿。
20:19 < cbkid> wenk: fedora比gentoo复杂多了
20:19 -!- hellwolf [] has joined #fedora-cn
20:19 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v hellwolf] by ChanServ
20:20 < wenk> 用熟了都一样
20:20 < cbkid> wenk: ....恩先帮我搞定源把。
20:20 <+gcell> cbkid: 你gentoo用了多久?
20:20 < cbkid> wenk: 网通的就行了
20:20 < cbkid> gcell: 一年了把
20:21 <+gcell> 呃.......
20:21 < cbkid> gcell: 怎么?
20:21 -!- dragoon [n=dragoon@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:22 <+gcell> cbkid: 我猜你是双系统,而且用的不多吧
20:22 < cbkid> gcell: ....为什么这么说
20:24 <+gcell> cbkid: fedora的yum配置文件很简单,很容易看明白的,没理由比gentoo复杂吧
20:25 -!- xielingyun [n=xie@] has left #fedora-cn []
20:26 < cbkid> gcell: 恩,但是不知道怎么找到有效的源。我用gentoo一年了,一直是单系统,
20:26 < cbkid> gcell: 其实很多东西都不是官方说的那样,多数东西说明上写的是一个样,但是大家习惯又是另一个样
20:27 -!- p1ngz [n=pingz@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:27 <+gcell> cbkid: 老实说,我真的跟不上你的思维,呵呵,跳跃性太强了
20:28 <+gcell> cbkid: 习惯了Fedora也会很好用的
20:28 < cbkid> gcell: 恩,但是,源源源....
20:29 -!- yshao [n=yshao@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:29 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v yshao] by ChanServ
20:30 < cbkid> gcell: ... 这上面的源我怎么搞到配置里
20:31 < cbkid> 是不是他定义为升级就会调用fedora-update.repo阿
20:32 -!- imagelife [n=xyx@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
20:33 < cbkid> gcell: 我明白你的那个是怎么弄的了,
20:33 < cbkid> gcell: 这个他是怎么选出来的
20:34 < lrc> 个人感觉跟文件名无关
20:34 <+gcell> cbkid:
20:34 < cbkid> 呵呵这个确实要多的多。我事实
20:35 <+gcell> cbkid: 在这个列表里面选择速度快的源复制到repo里面,PS:我一开始就给了你一个列表,应该足够了,这个是全球列表,其实没什么必要,你自己慢慢选吧
20:36 <+gcell> cbkid: 你不是教育网吗,这个里面列出来的只怕是不能用了
20:36 < cbkid> gcell: 你开始给我的那个列表是用fedora.repo里的那个mirrorlist生成的
20:36 <+gcell> cbkid: 恩
20:37 < cbkid> gcell: 但事实上那个都不通
20:37 <+gcell> cbkid: 恩,我也不懂了
20:37 < cbkid> gcell: 而这个虽然很多也是但是速度别没有上去
20:37 < cbkid> gcell: 而且你不会让我一个一个ping吧。
20:38 <+gcell> cbkid: yum-fastmirror
20:38 <+gcell> 插件
20:38 < cbkid> gcell: 没有像arch中rankmirrors那样的工具吗?
20:38 < cbkid> gcell: 只用那个就行了?
20:38 -!- kzk [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:38 < cbkid> gcell: 载入插件: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit   是这个吗?
20:39 < cbkid> gcell: 用其他的配置吗?
20:40 <+gcell> cbkid: 如果你愿意试下axelget的话,可以装那个插件
20:40 < cbkid> gcell: 恩。我会考虑的
20:40 -!- gcell [n=gcell@] has quit ["Leaving."]
20:40 < cbkid> gcell: 不知道似乎不是我的网络的缘故
20:42 -!- imagelife [n=xyx@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:43 -!- ArsenLupin [n=ArsenLup@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:44 -!- pingz [n=pingz@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:44 -!- jcome [n=jcome@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:47 -!- wason [] has joined #fedora-cn
20:47 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v wason] by ChanServ
20:48 -!- chendy [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920]"]
20:49 < ArsenLupin> hers: 今天不开会了?
20:51 <+hers> 开什么啊,这周没进展
20:51 -!- Havanna [n=havanna@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
20:51 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:51 -!- marklf [n=marklf@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:51 <+hers> 反正这周我在玩 Base
20:52 <+hers> 可是还没有玩转
20:52 <+hers> 有人对 OOo 熟没?
20:52 < ArsenLupin> hers: 呃,你是leader嘛,还不得管管啊,呵呵
20:52 -!- Havanna [n=havanna@] has joined #fedora-cn
20:53 <+wason> ???????
20:53 < marklf> 请教:我的ibus的设置在F10中不能被记住,每次重设太累人了!
20:53 <+hers> 看
20:53 <+wason> 怎么样叫熟啊?
20:54 <+hers> wason~ 就是知道怎么在 Base 里做 Form
20:54 < jcome> 我在玩Sugar
20:54 < cbkid> 错误: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: fedora .....
20:55 < jcome> Sugar的设计感觉很不错,特别是上olpc 网站装了一些activities以后。
20:56 < cbkid> 各位帮忙看一下我用的这个
20:56 < cbkid> fedora列表但是显示错误
20:56 <+hers> jcome~ 可以在 olpc 网站装 activity?
20:58 <+hers> cbkid~ yum clean all 然后再搞
20:59 < ArsenLupin> marklf: 我遇到和你一样的问题了,用livecd重装系统后也没grub背景了
20:59 < jcome> hers , 对啊要用sugar的browser,点下载,就可以了。感觉前段时间的所谓 gnome3 (gnome-shell,nautilus journal )都是受 sugar 的影响。
21:00 < cbkid> 好像可以了
21:00 <+hers> @_@ 我一直以为 browser 只是个 gecko 的外壳
21:00 < cbkid> hers: 呵呵
21:01 < cbkid> UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe8 in position 175: ordinal not in range(128)
21:01 < cbkid> hers: 错误更多了
21:01 <+hers> cbkid~ 听起来你装的是 f11
21:01 < cbkid> 不是阿....
21:01 < marklf> ArsenLupin: 哦,我一直没能解决这个问题。
21:02 < cbkid> hers: 出现一堆错误
21:02 <+hers> marklf~ grub 读不到 splash 文件?
21:02 < cbkid> 那是最下面的
21:02 < marklf> ArsenLupin:  好像是的
21:03 < marklf> hers: 好像是的
21:03 < marklf> hers: 有招吗?
21:03 < ArsenLupin> hers: 貌似能读取到,但是显示有问题
21:03 <+hers> marklf~ grub.conf 里的 splash 指的位置不对?
21:03 < ArsenLupin> hers: 试过了,位置是正确的
21:04 -!- ArsenLupin [n=ArsenLup@] has quit ["Leaving."]
21:04 <+hers> 显示有问题那就不知道了…… 默认不是 hiddenmenu 么,图片无所谓
21:04 -!- kzk [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008111318]"]
21:04 < cbkid> hers: 还是一堆错误
21:04 < marklf> hers: 查过, 对的。
21:05 -!- dragoon [n=dragoon@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:05 <+hers> cbkid~ 把插件都禁掉,把仓库也仔细检查一下?你有没有用代理服务器?
21:06 <+hers> rm -rf /var/cache/yum/* 删掉全部文件
21:06 -!- marklf [n=marklf@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:06 < cbkid> 没有阿
21:06 -!- dragoon [n=dragoon@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:07 <+hers> cbkid~ 你修改 yum 配置时是不是用了奇怪的编辑器
21:07 < cbkid> 开始用vi 后来有用kwrite
21:07 < cbkid> 是不是抄的格式的缘故
21:07 < cbkid> 你看看
21:07 -!- marklf [n=marklf@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:08 < cbkid> 现在官方的配置也没有了....
21:08 -!- gcell [n=gcell@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:08 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v gcell] by ChanServ
21:08 < cbkid> gcell: 你去干嘛了。
21:08 <+gcell> marklf: 我搞定了
21:08 -!- lrc [n=lrc@] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:08 < cbkid> gcell: 我直接复制你的源出了㎎问题
21:08 < dragoon> 问大家一下,skype能登录吗
21:08 <+gcell> marklf: 原来很简单
21:09 <+gcell> cbkid: 那个看自己网络而定的,你得自己取舍
21:09 < marklf> gcell: 快说呀!!哈哈
21:09 < cbkid> gcell: 不是那个问题是显示UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe8 in position 175: ordinal not in range(128)一堆错误
21:10 < cbkid> hers: 用vi 不行吗?
21:10 <+hers> cbkid~ 不知道
21:11 <+gcell> marklf: 把grub中的timeout改成3或者5,总之不能是0,让grub读splash文件,为加强效果,启动时可猛击a或者e键
21:11 < cbkid> gcell: 错误: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: fedora
21:11 < alex_wing> rhel3可以在最近出来的芯片组上跑吗?能否支持sata?
21:12 -!- zhusupe [n=supe@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:12 -!- well [n=well@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:12 <+gcell> cbkid: 恩,可能是baseurl排列的格式不对,你对齐以下,也有可能是某个选中的baseurl不通
21:13 < cbkid> 。。。。
21:13 < marklf> gcell: 但我本来就是5呀?嗯,我周一试试。谢谢!
21:13 -!- wason [] has left #fedora-cn []
21:14 <+gcell> marklf: 猛击a键或者e键进入编辑状态
21:14 < well> 哈
21:15 < marklf> gcell: 好的, 我可怜的键盘……
21:15 < marklf> 哈哈
21:15 < well> 用锤子砸
21:17 < cbkid> gcell: 我是直接复制的用修改吗?
21:17 <+gcell> cbkid: 复制的可能格式有问题吧,你把那些baseurl对齐下
21:18 < cbkid> 我已经对其了,你的还是那个吗?
21:18 < cbkid> 直接大包给我传一下吧。谢谢了
21:19 < alex_wing> rhel3可以在最近出来的芯片组上跑吗?能否支持sata?   有谁知道吗?  或者知道哪有rhel3支持硬件的信息?
21:20 < well> alex_wing:  官方文档里有吧
21:20 < well> alex_wing:  主要看内核版本吧
21:20 < cbkid> gcell: 用你大包好的直接覆盖还是有问题
21:21 < alex_wing> 不知道 阿   我到官方找不到3的了  全是5的广告
21:22 < well> alex_wing:  那你看看 uname -r 的结果,查对应内核的信息
21:22 -!- r0bertz [n=zhangle@gentoo/developer/r0bertz] has joined #fedora-cn
21:23 <+gcell> cbkid: 我晕
21:23 < alex_wing> 查到内核信息后 再在哪有其硬件支持的资料?  是我一个同事的盘,还不知道是咋样的  要装eda软件
21:23 <+gcell> cbkid: 兄弟,把你的遭遇写下来丢到论坛去吧,我真是没搞清楚你的问题
21:23 < cbkid> .....
21:24 < well> alex_wing:  可以看 的注记,另外,如果没有可以看看硬件厂商有没有发布对应驱动
21:25 < alex_wing> 好的  谢了~
21:25 < well> 恩
21:26 < dragoon> 大家skype能不能正常登录啊?我都是服务器连接失败。
21:27 < well> 。
21:29 -!- dgod [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:29 < cbkid> 改回原来的也不能用了....
21:29 <+gcell> hers: 你启动系统大概多久的时间?
21:29 < cbkid> r0bertz: 原来大家都来回转阿....
21:29 <+gcell> 我这里启动很慢来着
21:29 -!- wenk_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:30 < cbkid> r0bertz: 就我自己老老实实的在#gentoo-cn呆着....
21:30 <+hers> gcell~ 一分多
21:31 <+gcell> hers: 到gdm?
21:31 <+gcell> 还是进入桌面到可以使用?
21:31 -!- cbkid [n=xuniu@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:31 < wenk_> 我的画皮看完了
21:31 < wenk_> 还不错
21:31 < wenk_> 结尾的音乐比较好
21:32 < well> 大家 /whois well 看看
21:32 <+gcell> wenk_: 你那里网络不行啊,老掉线
21:32 < wenk_> 刚才顺便测了一下SJTU的源
21:32 < wenk_> 速度20k左右
21:32 -!- wenk [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:32 -!- wenk_ is now known as wenk
21:33 < wenk> [root@TA yum.repos.d]# cat sjtu_fc10.repo
21:33 < wenk> [SJTU-FC10-i386]
21:33 < wenk> name=SJTU_FC10
21:33 < wenk> baseurl=
21:33 < wenk> enabled=1
21:33 < wenk> gpgcheck=1
21:33 < wenk> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-SJTU
21:33 < well> fedora10 好用吗?
21:34 <+gcell> well: 还不错阿
21:34 < dragoon> 挺好用
21:34 < wenk> [root@TA yum.repos.d]# ll /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-SJTU
21:34 < wenk> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1639 2008-12-05 21:30 /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-SJTU
21:34 <+gcell> wenk 你搞什么啊
21:34 < well> 恩,等我买了大硬盘,就装
21:34 < wenk> 把我的设置贴出来
21:35 < dragoon> 多大算大?1.5T?
21:35 <+gcell> well: 呃,最好用DVD装,livecd还是不靠谱
21:35 -!- uu [n=uu@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:35 < well> gcell:  哦,知道了
21:35 < well> dragoon:  45G winxp 55G ubuntu
21:36 < well> dragoon:  下次买个320左右的硬盘,我是笔记本
21:37 < dragoon> 恩,现在硬盘还是蛮便宜的。
21:37 < dragoon> 话说大家有没有遇到麦克风的问题
21:37 < dragoon> 前两天Ekiga何人语音,那边死活听不见我的声音
21:38 <+gcell> dragoon: 麦克风默认是静音状态的,你确认打开了吗?
21:38 < dragoon> 是的。我在pulseaudio的音量控制能看到麦克风的声音大小
21:39 -!- wenk [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:39 < dragoon> audacity录音也ok
21:41 < dragoon> 感觉是pulseaudio的问题把alsa-plugins-pulseaudio卸载了,然后声音是有了,不过都是杂音。
21:42 -!- tiansworld [n=tt@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:43 < dragoon> 另外Skype也登录不上去,无法连接到服务器。Windows里倒是没问题。
21:48 < tiansworld> 大家在google reader里试试 上-上-下-下-左-右-左-右-B-A
21:49 < tiansworld> :)
21:49 -!- ccnix [n=ccnix@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:49 < dragoon> 魂斗罗
21:49 < tiansworld> 恩
21:49 < tiansworld> 没错,试试
21:49 < dragoon> 试过啊,呵呵
21:50 -!- zzlyzq [n=zzlyzq@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:50 -!- wenk_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
21:50 < ccnix> ...
21:51 <+gcell> tiansworld: 我只想问怎么变回去
21:51 < tiansworld> 还是一样
21:51 <+gcell> tiansworld: 不太喜欢这个主题
21:51 < dragoon> F5
21:51 <+gcell> tiansworld: 试了不行
21:51 <+gcell> 再试试
21:51 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:52 <+gcell> 恩,变回去了,这都是谁发现的,开发人员泄露出来的吧
21:52 < ccnix> 什么东西
21:52 < tiansworld> 我以前在wikipedia里看到的
21:53 < tiansworld> 今天又想起来了,就让你们也试试
21:53 < tiansworld> dragon从哪知道的?
21:53 < dragoon> 老早以前cnbeta看到的
21:54 < tiansworld> 哦,要是有其他的就好了,这应该也算彩蛋
21:54 < dragoon> 是啊。
21:55 < ccnix> 不知道你们在所什么。。悲哀
21:56 < tiansworld> 在google reader里用 上-上-下-下-左-右-左-右-B-A
21:56 < dragoon> 谁知道Skype没法登录的问题啊
21:58 < tiansworld> 没用过skype
21:58 < tiansworld> 看看设置里
21:58 < dragoon> 设置里就一个端口
21:58 < dragoon> 防火墙也开这个端口了。端口映射也作了...
21:59 < tiansworld> selinux这个东西?
21:59 < dragoon> 禁用了
22:00 < tiansworld> 那就不明白了,不行换个端口?
22:00 < dragoon> 换过也不行唉
22:00 < dragoon> 以前F9倒是没问题
22:00 < well> google reader 是。。
22:01 < dragoon> rss阅读器吧...
22:01 < tiansworld> 恩,对
22:01 <+liuhongdan> igoogle
22:01 < tiansworld> 那就不知道了,skype没用过
22:01 < tiansworld> igoogle
22:01 < tiansworld> 是自定义主页
22:01 < dragoon> 唉。只能不用了
22:02 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@] has joined #fedora-cn
22:02 < well> 还以为是电子书阅读器
22:03 < dragoon> 呵呵。这东西还算好用
22:04 -!- ircperson` [n=urk@] has joined #fedora-cn
22:04 < well> rss 我都没怎么用过,一直是直接去网站 :)
22:04 < ircperson`> :) XO IRC 好玩
22:04 <+liuhongdan> blogger
22:06 -!- ircperson` is now known as jcome2
22:06 < well> 嘿嘿~
22:06 -!- jcome2 is now known as jcome_at_XO
22:07 -!- uu [n=uu@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:07 < jcome> Sugar , 用心玩一玩,发现XO 这玩意设计的真不错,好多activities:
22:07 <+liuhongdan> at_XO?
22:07 -!- jcome [n=jcome@] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
22:08 < jcome_at_XO> liuhongdan , Sugar 桌面
22:08 < jcome_at_XO> 好玩得很
22:09 -!- Kaio [n=Kaio@fedora/Kaio] has joined #fedora-cn
22:09 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v Kaio] by ChanServ
22:09 < jcome_at_XO> 可惜olpc.org上面有些activities玩不了,不知道什么原因
22:09 <+liuhongdan> ........
22:12 -!- ccnix_ [n=ccnix@] has joined #fedora-cn
22:13 -!- Havanna [n=havanna@] has quit ["leaving"]
22:14 < wenk_> marklf,刚才是你问源配置问题么?
22:14 < wenk_>
22:15 < wenk_> en
22:15 < marklf> 不是我,但替那位朋友谢谢你!
22:15 < wenk_> 呵呵
22:15 <+liuhongdan> jcome_at_XO, 专为儿童涉及的桌面?
22:16 <+liuhongdan> 太单调了
22:18 < sir_liu> 照比 text mode 应该好一些吧 。。。
22:18 < jcome_at_XO> 一开始我也觉得她的界面和交互做的怪怪的,今天看了下网上的介绍,说明,自己安装了一些程序(activities)发现还是很不错哦
22:18 <+liuhongdan> 没心情折腾啊
22:19 < jcome_at_XO> 呵呵
22:19 <+liuhongdan> 啥时候可以yum了再考虑
22:19 < marklf> wenk_: 速度20k??
22:19 < wenk_> 恩,我这里是。
22:19 < jcome_at_XO> liuhongdan , 可以阿 就是 Sugar Desktop
22:19 < sir_liu> 适合儿童折腾
22:19 <+liuhongdan> o
22:20 <+liuhongdan> 我看看,可以的话,晚上通宵yum
22:20 < marklf> wenk_: 但是,我用2m的adsl,我一般会有150K以上的速度呀。
22:20 < sir_liu> 你们太幸福了 。。。
22:20 < wenk_> 好啊,要不我修改一下速度?
22:20 < wenk_> 我也是2M
22:21 < sir_liu> 偶 150B啊 。。
22:21 <+liuhongdan> jcome_at_XO, 确实有,能用compiz么?
22:21 < wenk_> sjtu的那个源?
22:21 < jcome_at_XO> liuhongda , 我看到好多人说,gnome3的设计会受sugar影响很大,所以特地再次安装,玩玩,看看.
22:21 < wenk_> 150B,用默认的源可能那样
22:22 < marklf> wenk_: 我知道了,你是在推荐一个国内的镜像,我没想到它会那么慢的。
22:22 < wenk_> 是有人问,所以才发的。
22:23 < wenk_> 可能教育网好些。
22:23 < sir_liu> 唉 又一次  time out了...
22:23 < marklf> 嗯,应该的
22:23 < sir_liu> ?
22:23 < wenk_> 其实可以把candishosting和tsinghua的放上去
22:24 <+liuhongdan> 1M adsl,90多K
22:24 < wenk_> sir_liu,你用的是sjtu的源么
22:24 < wenk_> liuhongdan,90多K是默认源,还是sjtu?
22:24 -!- MeaCulpa [n=MeaCulpa@] has joined #fedora-cn
22:25 <+liuhongdan> wenk_, f9,默认
22:25 -!- ccnix [n=ccnix@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:25 < wenk_> 恩
22:25 < sir_liu> wenk_, 不是源的问题 ,,是偶这边有毛病啊。。
22:25 < wenk_> 哈哈
22:26 < sir_liu> 野蛮的人太多了。。。
22:26 [Users #fedora-cn]
22:26 [@ChanServ  ] [+yshao      ] [ fetid        ] [ p1ngz       ] [ whuwxl ] 
22:26 [+cswiii    ] [ akonadi    ] [ freeflying   ] [ penghb      ] [ wjw    ] 
22:26 [+gcell     ] [ alex_wing  ] [ hellwolf-n810] [ r0bertz     ] [ yafeng ] 
22:26 [+hellwolf  ] [ AutumnCat  ] [ huntxu       ] [ r0bertz|work] [ yuxans ] 
22:26 [+hers      ] [ candyz0416 ] [ imagelife    ] [ sir_liu     ] [ zhusupe] 
22:26 [+K410      ] [ ccnix_     ] [ jcome_at_XO  ] [ Snifox      ] 
22:26 [+Kaio      ] [ DawnFantasy] [ manphiz      ] [ tiansworld  ] 
22:26 [+liuhongdan] [ dgod       ] [ marklf       ] [ well        ] 
22:26 [+ricky     ] [ dragoon    ] [ MeaCulpa     ] [ wenk_       ] 
22:26 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 41 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 9 voices, 31 normal]
22:26 < sir_liu> 一点都不懂谦让  。。
22:27 < wenk_> [root@TA /]# ping
22:27 < wenk_> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=29.4 ms
22:27 < wenk_> [root@TA /]# ping
22:27 < wenk_> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=698 ms
22:28 < wenk_> 感觉sjtu就是慢。不知道是不是教育网的问题
22:29 -!- Clyde [n=root@] has joined #fedora-cn
22:29 -!- zhusupe [n=supe@] has quit ["Leaving"]
22:30 < dragoon> 我这里到sjtu大概200延迟
22:30 < Clyde> zen me shanchu user zhanghu a ?
22:30 < sir_liu> 整多快是快了 ,,,慢的时候 想想我这样更慢的人,你就会变得很快了,,你简直在飞。。。
22:32 < wenk_> 严重同情sir_liu
22:32 -!- wenk_ is now known as wenk
22:33 < sir_liu> 今天你飞了没有 :(((((((
22:35 <+gcell> sir_liu: 你那边网络怎么了?
22:35 <+gcell> sir_liu: 这么慢
22:35 -!- Clyde [n=root@] has left #fedora-cn ["Konversation terminated!"]
22:36 < sir_liu> 被人堵门口不让出去。。。
22:38 -!- dragoon [n=dragoon@] has quit ["暂离"]
22:41 < wenk> 黄世仁逼债le
22:42 -!- wjw [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008111217]"]
22:42 < sir_liu> 唠点正是啊 。。。。    咱屋里 有在用或曾经用过 nessus + nessquik的吗  。。。。
22:43 < sir_liu> 有愿意的一起研究一下啊。。 :(((
22:44 <+gcell> sir_liu: 玩得这么高级,我连win下的都不会
22:44 <+gcell> sir_liu: 有什么入门教材吗?
22:45 < sir_liu> 高级个  pp         ,,, 身不由己啊 。。。
22:45 <+gcell> sir_liu: 搞网络安全工作的?
22:45 < sir_liu> 就几个pdf文档
22:46 < sir_liu> 不是 。。。
22:46 -!- iPino [n=ca65485c@gateway/web/ajax/] has joined #fedora-cn
22:50 -!- bbe [n=bbe@] has joined #fedora-cn
22:50 -!- marklf [n=marklf@] has left #fedora-cn []
22:50 < sir_liu> gcell,  传给你看看啊 。。。
22:51 <+gcell> sir_liu: 好阿,入门级的吗?
22:51 <+gcell> sir_liu: 太深了看不懂
22:51 <+gcell> sir_liu: 怎么传?
22:52 < sir_liu> 是啊该怎么传呢。。
22:53 <+gcell> gmail发给我把
22:53 <+gcell> 文件大吗?
22:53 <+gcell> ph.linfan AT
22:53 < sir_liu> 不是很大
22:55 < sir_liu> 不到13M
22:55 <+gcell> sir_liu: 恩,应该没超出附件限制吧,发给我吧,谢了
22:56 <+gcell> linux下面传文件还真是不方便
22:56 < sir_liu> 我开ssh 你直接下载得了 。。。。
22:57 -!- ccnix_ [n=ccnix@] has quit ["Lost terminal"]
22:58 <+liuhongdan> 进入surge
22:58 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@] has left #fedora-cn ["Leaving"]
22:58 [Users #fedora-cn]
22:58 [@ChanServ] [+yshao      ] [ fetid        ] [ MeaCulpa    ] [ well  ] 
22:58 [+cswiii  ] [ akonadi    ] [ freeflying   ] [ p1ngz       ] [ wenk  ] 
22:58 [+gcell   ] [ alex_wing  ] [ hellwolf-n810] [ penghb      ] [ whuwxl] 
22:58 [+hellwolf] [ AutumnCat  ] [ huntxu       ] [ r0bertz     ] [ yafeng] 
22:58 [+hers    ] [ bbe        ] [ imagelife    ] [ r0bertz|work] [ yuxans] 
22:58 [+K410    ] [ candyz0416 ] [ iPino        ] [ sir_liu     ] 
22:58 [+Kaio    ] [ DawnFantasy] [ jcome_at_XO  ] [ Snifox      ] 
22:58 [+ricky   ] [ dgod       ] [ manphiz      ] [ tiansworld  ] 
22:58 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 37 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 8 voices, 28 normal]
23:00 <+gcell> sir_liu: 呃,没玩过ssh
23:00 <+gcell> sir_liu: 你开ssh,直接告诉我怎么操作吧
23:01 < sir_liu> :)
23:01 < sir_liu> gcell, scp
23:02 <+gcell> sir_liu: 相关参数告诉我
23:02 -!- jcome_at_XO [n=urk@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:03 < sir_liu> gcell, 晕  收mail吧 。。。已经过去了 。。。
23:03 -!- p1ngz [n=pingz@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:03 -!- emacser [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
23:03 < sir_liu> 突然变得很快 .....
23:04 <+gcell> sir_liu: 恩,看来linux用户之间传文件倒是有新思路了,可以自己搭服务器,以前没试过
23:04 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:04 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@] has joined #fedora-cn
23:04 < sir_liu> 哈哈  其实那是 远程cp
23:04 < liuhongdan> 进入surge失败了
23:04 < liuhongdan> 进不去
23:04 < liuhongdan> yum 安装完了
23:05 <+gcell> sir_liu: 恩,我看了man
23:05 -!- liouys [n=user@] has joined #fedora-cn
23:05 <+gcell> sir_liu: 虽然不懂,但是学起来不慢,嘿嘿
23:05 -!- emacser [n=chatzill@] has left #fedora-cn []
23:05 < liuhongdan> sugar..
23:06 < sir_liu> gcell, :)
23:06 -!- liuhongdan [n=liuhongd@] has quit [Client Quit]
23:08 -!- yafeng [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:09 -!- akonadi [n=nihui@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
23:09 -!- wenk_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
23:11 -!- huntxu [n=hunt@] has quit [Connection timed out]
23:11 -!- wenk_ [n=chatzill@] has quit [Client Quit]
23:11 <+gcell> sir_liu: 一上来就是英文文档,直接就ser guide了啊,这进展太快了吧
23:12 <+gcell> sir_liu: 基础都没打稳来着
23:12 -!- LoneStar [n=fedora@] has joined #fedora-cn
23:12 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v LoneStar] by ChanServ
23:12 < sir_liu> gcell, 晕 ,,,我也是刚看到这 。。。。。
23:12 < sir_liu> 现学现卖吧。。
23:13 -!- wenk [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:13 -!- wenk_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
23:13 -!- wenk_ is now known as wenk
23:13 < sir_liu> 基础环境搭完了 现在就开始配置。。。
23:13 <+gcell> sir_liu: 先放放,过段时间再学,现在折腾不过来
23:13 < wenk> 我,终于又上来了
23:14 <+gcell> wenk: 呃....可怜的孩子
23:14 < wenk> 今天不知道怎么搞的。总掉线,可能有人在BT
23:16 < well> 23
23:17 -!- zhusupe [n=supe@] has joined #fedora-cn
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23:22 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
23:24 -!- tiansworld [n=tt@] has quit ["Leaving"]
23:24 -!- wenk_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
23:26 < liouys> 43
23:26 -!- liouys [n=user@] has left #fedora-cn ["bye"]
23:28 <+hers> 哪儿有 b43-firmware 这个包?
23:33 < wenk_>
23:33 < wenk_>
23:41 -!- bruce_oy [n=chatzill@] has joined #fedora-cn
23:44 -!- iPino [n=ca65485c@gateway/web/ajax/] has quit [" ajax IRC Client"]
23:45 -!- wenk [n=chatzill@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
23:48 -!- dgod [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.1b2/20081125071104]"]
23:49 -!- imagelife [n=xyx@] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
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23:51 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v yshao] by ChanServ
23:59 -!- wenk_ [n=chatzill@] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008111217]"]
--- Log closed 六 12月 06 00:00:56 2008