From Fedora Project Wiki


This test case ensures that the espeak-ng text-to-speech engine functions correctly on Fedora.


  1. Ensure you have espeak-ng installed. If not, install it: sudo dnf install espeak-ng

How to test

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Test a basic text-to-speech functionality by running: espeak-ng "Hello, Fedora!"
  3. Experiment with different languages. For instance, to speak in Spanish: espeak-ng -v es "Hola, Fedora!".
  4. Change the speech rate to be faster: espeak-ng -s 150 "Hello, Fedora!"

Expected Results

  1. The espeak-ng "Hello, Fedora!" command should audibly say "Hello, Fedora!"
  2. When specifying a language using the -v flag, espeak-ng should speak in that language's accent or tone.
  3. Adjusting the speed with -s should cause the speech rate to change as specified.


You can further explore the tool by trying different languages, pitch changes, and even writing a simple script to read a longer text file.