From Fedora Project Wiki


This test case ensures that the exo library, which assists in the development of XFCE applications, functions correctly in Fedora.


  1. Ensure the exo tools are installed. If not, install them with the command: sudo dnf install exo

How to test

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Launch the default web browser using exo: exo-open --launch WebBrowser
  3. Launch the default email client using exo: exo-open --launch MailReader
  4. Check the version of exo installed: exo-csource --version

Expected Results

  1. The exo-open --launch WebBrowser command should open your default web browser.
  2. The exo-open --launch MailReader command should open your default email client.
  3. The exo-csource --version command should display the version of exo installed.


Explore other functionalities provided by exo tools, such as exo-desktop-item-edit to edit desktop menu items.