From Fedora Project Wiki


This test case verifies that the expat library for parsing XML is functioning correctly in Fedora.


  1. Install the expat tools: sudo dnf install expat
  2. Prepare an XML file named sample.xml with the content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>

How to test

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Check the version of expat installed: xmlwf -V
  3. Use xmlwf to verify the well-formedness of the sample.xml file: xmlwf sample.xml

Expected Results

  1. The xmlwf -V command should display the version of expat installed.
  2. The xmlwf sample.xml command should not produce any output if the XML is well-formed.


Test parsing other XML files you have, or intentionally create malformed XML to see how expat responds.