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Fedora Weekly News Issue 261

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 261[1] for the week ending February 2, 2011. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

An audio version of some issues of FWN - FAWN - are available! You can listen to existing issues[2] on the Internet Archive. If anyone is interested in helping spread the load of FAWN production, please contact us!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[3]. We welcome reader feedback:

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson


In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and Events[3].

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

Fedora Announcement News

The announcement list is always exclusive for the Fedora Community. Please, visit the past announcements at[1]

Want to get to FUDCon Tempe on time? Take a Tour!

Clint Savage[1] on Sat Jan 29 08:13:52 UTC 2011 announced[2],

"If you are coming to FUDCon Tempe and have never been to the ASU campus, we don’t want you to get lost. Let the FUDCon tour guides help you out on your way over to the barcamp pitches tomorrow morning.

Every 10 minutes, starting at 7:45am, meet in the lobby of the Courtyard Marriott. You will be directed on a walking tour as we head toward the Center for Design North (CDN), also known as the Architecture and Environmental Design Building (AED).

On the tour

you will see the following items:

  • A short tour of Mill Avenue, with restaurants and pubs
  • The Brickyard Artisan Court (where the Barcamp sessions will be held)
  • The Center for Design North (where the Barcamp pitches will be held)

In addition to all this, you’ll be on time to the barcamp pitches! But don’t miss out, the last tour will begin at 8:45 so we can all get there before 9am.

If you don’t get the tour, you can still make it on your own. Here’s a map with information to make it simple and straightforward[3]. It’s a google map and works well by searching for the url right in your maps program on a smart phone."

Fedora Development News

The development list[1] is intended to be a LOW TRAFFIC announce-only list for Fedora development.

Acceptable Types of Announcements

  • Policy or process changes that affect developers.
  • Infrastructure changes that affect developers.
  • Tools changes that affect developers.
  • Schedule changes
  • Freeze reminders

Unacceptable Types of Announcements

  • Periodic automated reports (violates the INFREQUENT rule)
  • Discussion
  • Anything else not mentioned above

Fedora GNOME 3 Test Day #1 coming up tomorrow

Adam Williamson[1] on Wed Feb 2 18:58:27 UTC 2011 announced[2]

"QA and Desktop teams are running three Test Days to test out GNOME 3 ahead of F15 (and GNOME 3.0) releases, and the first is tomorrow!


Please come along and help test - there will be live images so you won't need a Rawhide installation, the testing will be easy, and you don't have to do every single test - you can help out even with ten or fifteen minutes (plus the time to download and burn an image). Please note that right now the wiki page is in considerable flux - I have to write a whole bunch of test cases which aren't up there yet - and desktop team are in the middle of trying to land GNOME 2.91.6 in Rawhide, so please hold off on testing for now, we should have everything in order by tomorrow morning. If you're busy tomorrow, you can certainly come by and do the tests later - all you'll miss is the IRC communication, but you can do all the testing based on the Wiki page. IRC channel is #fedora-test-day on Freenode. Please grab me if you have any questions or suggestions! Thanks everyone."

Fedora Events

Fedora events are the exclusive and source of marketing, learning and meeting all the fellow community people around you. So, please mark your agenda with the following events to consider attending or volunteering near you!

Upcoming Events (Dec 2010 - Feb 2011)

  • North America (NA)[1]
  • Central & South America (LATAM): [2]
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
  • India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]

Past Events

Archive of Past Fedora Events[1]

Additional information

  • Reimbursements -- reimbursement guidelines.
  • Budget -- budget for the current quarter (as distributed by FAMSCo).
  • Sponsorship -- how decisions are made to subsidize travel by community members.
  • Organization -- event organization, budget information, and regional responsibility.
  • Event reports -- guidelines and suggestions.
  • LinuxEvents -- a collection of calendars of Linux events.

Fedora In the News

In this section, we cover news from the trade press and elsewhere that is re-posted to the Fedora Marketing list[1].

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

Linus Torvalds: Viel Lob für Ubuntu, Kritik an Debian (Der Standard)

Henrik Heigl forwarded[1] a German language posting about Linus Torvalds and Fedora:

"Trotz alle der positiven Worte für Ubuntu - für Torvalds selbst ist Ubuntu keine Alternative. Als Kernel-Entwickler habe man recht spezifische Anforderungen, die Ubuntu nicht erfüllen kann, aber das ist auch ok, er sei eben nicht die Zielgruppe. Bereits in der Vergangenheit hatte Torvalds immer wieder betont, dass er selbst Fedora zum Einsatz bringt."

The full article is available[2]


This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Ambassadors Project[1].

Contributing Writer: Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay

Welcome New Ambassadors

This week the Fedora Ambassadors Project had a new member joining.

Cheng-Chia Tseng from the Taiwan mentored by Caius Chance

Summary of traffic on Ambassadors mailing list

Caius Chance looked into [1] the possibility of organizing the FAD at the Brisbane office of Red Hat

Gerard Braad posted [2] information about the LCA 2011 and FAD Brisbane [3] in light of the flooding at the city.

Caius Chance followed up [4] with details about the new venue at the Brisbane Square Library

Igor Pires Soares supported the need [5] for guiding a new contributor in a 'straightforward proactive way' and informed that FAmSCo desires to host Townhalls during the years at different timezones.

Ankur Sinha solicited participation and interest [6] in a Remote Mini Wiki Editing FAD [7] following up on the achievements of the previous FAD [8]

Ankur Sinha requested comments [9] on the Fedora media distribution process draft

Gent Thaçi expressed concern [10] over obtaining a visa in time to attend FOSDEM. The thread [11] has helpful suggestions and inputs from fellow Ambassadors.

Igor Pires Soares posted [12] a link to the new Ambassador FAQ [13] and informed about work being done on an Ambassador SOP

posted [14] Meeting notes [15] for APAC meeting on 2011-01-29

Nicu Buculei proposed a photowalk during FOSDEM [16] and requested interested participants to get in touch with him.

Summary of events reported on Ambassadors mailing list

Couret Charles-Antoin reported [1] on the JM2L event [2] organized on 2010-11-27

Summary of traffic on FAmSCo mailing list

Pierros Papadeas posted [1] Meeting Minutes for FAmSCo meeting on 2011-01-22 [2] along with the updated agenda [3]

Gerard Braad expressed concern [4] over two FAmSCo-APAC tickets [5] [6] which had to be closed with WONTFIX due to slipping of time. Caius Chance added [7] some additional questions around the fund approval process. Larry Cafiero informed [8] the specific item was a point of discussion with Max Spevack during FUDCon and would report back post the discussion.

Larry Cafiero posted [9] agenda [10] for the FAmSCo meeting on 2011-01-29. Pierros Papadeas followed up [11] with the Meeting Minutes [12] and a link to the new FAQ [13]

Gerard Braad suggested [14] more participation on the Mentors mailing list and that this be added to the agenda of the next meeting. Pierros Papadeas clarified [15] about this list being not specifically aimed at Ambassador Mentors

Security Advisories

In this section, we cover Security Advisories from fedora-package-announce from the past week.

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

Fedora 14 Security Advisories

Fedora 13 Security Advisories